Posting this as a separate cause i didn't want it to get lost in aww photos
Syd is clearly very loving and tame now but she will sniff, rub over etc then sniff and tenderly bite/nibble my hand. Its absolutely not aggressive because i am literally holding my hand in mid air and if they rub on it they rub on it if they don't they don't. Its also not playful because same aforementioned applies. The only thing i can think of it is either testing what i am, or teething? Pretty doesn't nor has ever done it, nor has any cat i have ever had lol but then i cant think of any other female kittens i have had as i usually get males. Is this a female thing?
More cat photos...i cant stop haha im a total cat person and not having a dog for the first time in my life really has not phased me..not sure i could live without a cat though!!
Darling darling baby
last one is to try and show the colour. They are not black and white as i thought, but really dark tabby and white. its more clear in life, but this shows it as much as it can. Must ask what mum was!
Kit is still non-touching but he understands love time..when the rest are getting the love he will purr and rub on the walls and bushes etc lol its only a matter of time..
YO laughs at me, they were given as feral yard cats for vermin im obsessed hahaha
RE the nibbling Kasper will sometimes snuggle up on the pillow when I'm in bed and gently bite my forehead... I think it's a grooming behaviour. I generally try to hide under the covers when he does it, although he normally thwarts me by getting in bed and then prickling my armpit with his claws. Sod. He purrs and purrs when he does it.
Yes im assuming its that sort of thing...she only does it to me not dad! She taught Pretty to do it too so i had to get a bit tough and stood up saying AH to be met with four nonchalant blinking eyes. I could almost hear them think "shell be back for more..wuss"
I'm sure that most cats think that humans are weird, large kittens that need looking after and that we couldn't possibly survive without them. Have they caught you any 'snacks' yet?
Nope. Baby has always been a pathetic hunter..he completely misunderstood his employment contract. My last foster cat who ended up not leaving would leave me gifts in the hay, mostly rabbits, but the kittens are probably too young to do that yet lol i have never seen rats here and only one or two mice so i think the vermin stay away out of respect. Which always baffles me really, cause i have a river on 3 sides, food everywhere if you want to get it and loads of living places! Im almost offended that rats dont like me. But not really.
My husband had one, Lucy, who did her best to teach him to hunt and climb trees. We had a leaning apple tree just outside our caravan which was always used by mum cat to teach her kittens how to climb. Lucy used to rub round my husband then gallop up the tree and look round waiting for him to follow. Sweet. She would also get very excited if he was rummaging around in a box of tools and come and peer over his shoulder. Then give him a sorrowful look for being so thick about hunting. She was quarter siamese and a real character. Husband adored her.
More kitty loven. All still here thankfully! They seem to respect cars thankfully. Ive seent them down at the gate looking out so i really hope they become road savvy. (i have noticed linked photos don't stay on the forum long...anyone know why???)
Pretty at dinner time. Got very concerend i was not putting the food out faster. Isn't he just dreamy!?!?