I cant believe some people!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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probelm is the notice will be an essay and i want it to stand out so writing is big. Like PF said maybe i shoudl get a website address put up so they can go home and read about Lammi and leave poor Flightly alone.
grrrrr they make me so mad


Well-Known Member
4 July 2005
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sheesh some people have no idea eh? we have a little retired pony who has sweet itch and is turned out with an 'all over' fly sheet on-but most of the time it's hanging on the gate!
do people think she's too hot or something(other ponies are fine so don't have fly sheets on) and think we're being cruel?!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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poor thing.
What gets me is i wouldnt go into anybodys field and mess with their horses/ponies so why do poeple think that it is acceptable to do it.
I cant think what must go through their minds when they do something like this. It must all boil down to cruelty on our behalf. What they dont understand is we are doing the best by these horses and if we didnt they would be a complete mess.

There has only ever been one instance i was glad someone did go into my field - my previous mare was hanging herself by her rug on a tree (was itchy so thought the tree was a good safe bet - ahh your wrong) luckily some walkers found her and released her just as my friend was approaching who challenged them. Got to admit very nice as they couldve walked by and ignored her!


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
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I used to put a Bucket muzzle on our pony so at least he could have 4 hours in field rater than 2 per day, he was very greedy, he didn't ever get laminitis but was the perfect candidate! Also our ym had complaints about the "blind" horses being turned out, they had fly-masks on! A silly mum even contacted the RSPCA, even though her daughter was having riding lessons at our yard! She could have asked 1 of the girls working at the yard.