I hate foxes! How to get rid of the stench?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I dropped a glove about a week ago somewhere on the yard and as I was putting poles out this evening I saw it in the school. Picked it up, it had one end of a finger knawed off but otherwise looked good, just a bit soggy. So I shoved it in my jeans pocket, rode and came home.

Got in and thought 'cor I stink, I must need a shower' changed into clean jeans and put a t shirt on and went to Saino's and as I was walking round I realised I reek because my glove has been in with the damn foxes! (we have a family of them at the yard and they often pick things up and carry them about and you find them in all sorts of places)

Got back to the flat and it absolutely honks. I have just had to open all the windows despite the fact it's freezing and it still smells. Had to bin the pair of jeans and the glove and my car will reek too as my wet pocket sat on my drivers seat all the way home.

Plus my butt cheek smells where the glove was in my pocket and it won't wash off.

As you can imagine, I am very popular with the OH tonight :rolleyes:

So, suggestions on removing eau de fox from my left buttock please :eek:


Well-Known Member
9 January 2008
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It works on skunk and I've been told it works on fox smell but not tried it - Tomato ketchup, pour it on, rub it on and wash off, cheap and worth a try perhaps - chickened out when we had a fox in our house and it pee'd on the cream carpet, but at least its something you should have in the house - be interested if it actually works?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Another vote for ketchup . . . having lived in the US for a long time I can tell you that it works on skunk.

Good luck . . . and I'm still chuckling about the whole butt cheek thing ;).



Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I don't have ketchup, do you think baked beans would work?! :eek: :D

I have cured the problem by drinking some wine and more importantly feeding lots to OH. Now I don't care that I stink and he has forgotten. Phew, crisis averted.

Can't wait to get in my car in the morning though. Pe-ew!


Well-Known Member
28 April 2010
Wherever the wind takes me
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I heard on the radio tinned tomatoes.... I was walking my dog and she found some fox to roll in and had to travel 10 miles home in my car! I had to stop at the garage on the way back to get a Magic Tree to try and curb the smell. I didn't try the tomatoes but I'd go down the ketchup - tinned toms route. Now laughing a lot as you rub tomatoes into your butt cheek!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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I dropped a glove about a week ago somewhere on the yard and as I was putting poles out this evening I saw it in the school. Picked it up, it had one end of a finger knawed off but otherwise looked good, just a bit soggy. So I shoved it in my jeans pocket, rode and came home.

Got in and thought 'cor I stink, I must need a shower' changed into clean jeans and put a t shirt on and went to Saino's and as I was walking round I realised I reek because my glove has been in with the damn foxes! (we have a family of them at the yard and they often pick things up and carry them about and you find them in all sorts of places)

Got back to the flat and it absolutely honks. I have just had to open all the windows despite the fact it's freezing and it still smells. Had to bin the pair of jeans and the glove and my car will reek too as my wet pocket sat on my drivers seat all the way home.

Plus my butt cheek smells where the glove was in my pocket and it won't wash off.

As you can imagine, I am very popular with the OH tonight :rolleyes:

So, suggestions on removing eau de fox from my left buttock please :eek:

Stay well clear of your local drag hunt! or maybe you could hire yourself out to same (presuming your running is up to speed!)

Sorry no other suggestions :)


Well-Known Member
14 February 2009
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I've been told tomato sauce or vinegar, both of which I tried rubbing onto my lurcher when she used to roll in fox shite(thankfully she's to old & creaky to do it now!) Didn't really work though, she just stank of tommy sauce & vinegar with an undercurrent of fox poo!


Well-Known Member
30 May 2007
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Try vinegar- I used it to get rid of rotten stinky cat pee, and it seems to have worked. Also bi carbonate of soda dotted about to 'soak' up the stench .


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
North Cumbria
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Try vinegar- I used it to get rid of rotten stinky cat pee, and it seems to have worked. Also bi carbonate of soda dotted about to 'soak' up the stench .

Lmfao! That means Jesstickle will have to lie down and get her OH to put bicarb on her arse and lie there for half an hour. Thats guna be popular :D


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Be grateful it is only fox you smell of :D

If this lot supposedy works for skunk spray I imagine it would do the job for fox too:



My solution when my dogs get skunked, which is a regular occurence because they are dumb...leave the doors to their compound open and on no account touch them for three days.

Febreze works sort of. Ketchup doesn't, it has to be tomato juice something to do with the acid content.

Alternately, rummage in your medicine cabinet, extract that little blue jar of Vics, open jar, smear a small amount under your nose - job done, you will no longer smell the fox, others might, but you won't! ;)

Ancient Hacker

Well-Known Member
12 January 2012
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Hilarious thread!:D (but don't take that as a lack of sympathy for your plight!)

Bicarbonate of soda kills the worst of odours, and won't harm your erm delicate cheeks. I'd throw the thing into a jam jar of bicarb for a day or two.

Thereafter, you will need to replace the missing finger since the freezing weather could be perilous at the moment ... I think there's scope for a new thread on interesting improvisations in repair/rejuvenation of animal-ravaged equestrian wear!