I have bad vibes about this .


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Last night husband and daughter decided to go to a Hunter Trial today, nothing unusual except the stallion aged 14 has never done any XC (BSJA'd until he broke his pelvis) and the other horse the Dutch ex stallion gelded at 9 has never seen one either. Their preparation consisted of cantering round the field last night and jumping a log drop fence, a tyre jump or two and that's it!
Both horses are reasonably fit being ridden at least five times a week but as the Hunter trial season starts it was obvious both both of the riders were getting itchy to do some. We had Chocolate checked by the McTimoney lady last week and she said his pelvis had healed perfectly, he had tight hips but other than that he was fine.
All went well until they loaded, they had left a partition between them but ignored my advice (don't they always) to leave a biggish gap and use the partition to make it secure. There was such a kerfuffle, screaming from both horses, Chocolate reared and started attempting to get at Flynn etc, so they unloaded one and did as I suggested . Eventually they drove off up the drive to the accompanying noise of one cross stallion and one gelded trying to be macho ex-stallion..
I am not going to drive over and watch, but advised they tell the starter one is a stallion incase CCJ falls off. (Chocolate's owner said she had never done XC as he hates the smell of creosote...) Flyn jumps showjumps ok but genuinely hasn't seen any Xc fences, though living out her will have made him lose his former aversion to getting his feet wet.
Watch this space, there could be a fun report later.. (or one saying they will never, ever attempt that again!)
For anyone wondering why Monty isn't going, we are trying to keep him quiet so Xc is the last thing he needs to do.....
29 July 2005
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are you CazCrazyJonty's mum?
They must be brave to go and attempt that with little preparation!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Yes, for my sins I am..
They have always been like that re preparation, and as both are really good strong riders Xc it doesn't seem to matter. I should also say when out hacking they jump anything in sight, including a bank into our local river until the landowner got fed up and fenced it off. plus the horses here face streams.drops.rough ground every day so they do tend to be ok at new challenges.
The most preparation they do is to hire a local course and give the young horses a look at things first, but both these horses can showjump so in theory they should XC.. (ha ha)


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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hh you should bring them down to us and try the jumpcross course..

reagrdless of that good luck...will be thinking of you today...dont think i will be riding today as the fog is too bad......