Well-Known Member
So this afternoon I had one of my gang booked into the vets for jabs after getting home from his travels in an air conditioned car I pulled into our parking area which is up a little tiny side street and around the back of our little row of terraced cottages - there is no access to the back courtyard - joys of old fishing cottages! So I have to walk about 30 yards or so down and round to the front...a gobby moose of a woman pulls up in a car as I turn the corner and starts calling me an irresponsible twit for "walking" my dog in the heat - because of he attitude I wasn't exactly polite to her and told her very firmly that if I was irresponsible I wouldn't be taking my dog for vaccinations and my active springer would NOT enjoy being carried down the road and that I would be reporting HER as irresponsible for having an unrestrained terrier on the FRONT seat of her car....some people...