I have just been deemed irresponsible!!!


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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So this afternoon I had one of my gang booked into the vets for jabs after getting home from his travels in an air conditioned car I pulled into our parking area which is up a little tiny side street and around the back of our little row of terraced cottages - there is no access to the back courtyard - joys of old fishing cottages! So I have to walk about 30 yards or so down and round to the front...a gobby moose of a woman pulls up in a car as I turn the corner and starts calling me an irresponsible twit for "walking" my dog in the heat - because of he attitude I wasn't exactly polite to her and told her very firmly that if I was irresponsible I wouldn't be taking my dog for vaccinations and my active springer would NOT enjoy being carried down the road and that I would be reporting HER as irresponsible for having an unrestrained terrier on the FRONT seat of her car....some people...


Well-Known Member
14 September 2001
Hants, England
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So this afternoon I had one of my gang booked into the vets for jabs after getting home from his travels in an air conditioned car I pulled into our parking area which is up a little tiny side street and around the back of our little row of terraced cottages - there is no access to the back courtyard - joys of old fishing cottages! So I have to walk about 30 yards or so down and round to the front...a gobby moose of a woman pulls up in a car as I turn the corner and starts calling me an irresponsible twit for "walking" my dog in the heat - because of he attitude I wasn't exactly polite to her and told her very firmly that if I was irresponsible I wouldn't be taking my dog for vaccinations and my active springer would NOT enjoy being carried down the road and that I would be reporting HER as irresponsible for having an unrestrained terrier on the FRONT seat of her car....some people...
I have a dog with severe separation anxiety so leaving her at home would definitely be irresponsible in this heat. I took her to my mums today which is a lovely cool house. I was dreading seeing anyone when I came home in my air conditioned car and walked across the grass to my house. She really doesn't mind the heat and rarely pants. She's a hairy German Shepherd!


Well-Known Member
27 June 2007
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I know that you had a very valid reason for having your dog out in hot weather and were only going a short distance to your cottage but - bravo to this woman for saying something. Not for upsetting you but for having the b*lls to say something, despite misinterpreting the situation.

There are a lot of people who still, unbelievably, think that it is acceptable to walk their dogs in the heat of the day and seem oblivious to the harm they could be doing their dog. Unfortunately, she picked the wrong recipient this time. But if she manages to offend one person who is being stupid enough to make them re-think their actions, then fair play to her.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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I know that you had a very valid reason for having your dog out in hot weather and were only going a short distance to your cottage but - bravo to this woman for saying something. Not for upsetting you but for having the b*lls to say something, despite misinterpreting the situation.

There are a lot of people who still, unbelievably, think that it is acceptable to walk their dogs in the heat of the day and seem oblivious to the harm they could be doing their dog. Unfortunately, she picked the wrong recipient this time. But if she manages to offend one person who is being stupid enough to make them re-think their actions, then fair play to her.
I do understand but there are many more ways to go about educating people than yelling abuse out of car windows, especially when she's not exactly a bright spark herself with an unrestrained dog in the front seat - it's people like this that have made me feel that when my dogs go they won't be replaced.