Well-Known Member
As we had sadly reached the decision that our current horse was not going to be right for myself and my daughter I had tentatively started horse shopping; mainly with the intention of getting an idea of what was out there and might suit. This afternoon we went to view a twelve year old Irish horse who was advertised as having done lots of hacking and fun rides but rather green in the school (the advert included a video of him being ridden alone in heavy traffic). He wasn't perfect by any means, and is stiffer on one rein than the other but we both loved him; he was calm and friendly and responsive off the leg. He is more sturdily built than our current horse and I felt more in proportion with him; we walked with him while the person selling him hacked him up the side of a dual carriage way and he didn't bat an eyelid. My lovely husband has agreed we can buy him while we sell our current one, assuming he passes the vetting. He is for sale with a dealer with a good reputation in the South East. He is probably the horse we should have bought last year. It may not work out of course but I am quietly looking forward to the summer.