I hope that one day


Well-Known Member
8 July 2009
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...I am in a position to give back to someone some of the amazing generosity that has been shown to me over the years.
From horses to ride, a vet who I trust implicitly and knows me and my horse inside out, to the most fantastic freelance groom who goes above and beyond but will only take pennies and the best instructor I've ever come across (even if I still find her somewhat scarey!) I feel very lucky to have met and known some really genuinely nice and generous people in the horse world.
I'm really feeling the fact that having to move might mean no longer having some of these people about, despite all best efforts to stay in the area it's just not looking likely. If nothing else I do hope one day I get the opportunity to be able to do the same as these people have for me, for others.
(I have also met my fair share of bonkers and nasty ones too, lol, but not what this is about!)