Well-Known Member
Hobbs Parker usually publish catalogues online: http://www.hobbsparker.co.uk/CF/?pa...aleTypeId=7&CatAvail=Online&Link=AuctionsMenu
We have received information that Mickey MAY have been sold through Ashford Market, does anyone have contact details for them or are there catalogue details??
Hi, the next sale at Ashford is 23rd August. No catalogues as yet. He wasn't in the june sale looking at their catalogue. or in the April. I get emailed as soon as the catalogue is out so will keep a eye on it for you![]()
Thanks to everyone keeping an look out for Mickey, we have had someone come forward who said they went to try him but he was lame and he was then go to be heading to Ashford Market, so hopefully someone will have seen him somewhre. If anyone in the Kent area can put the poster up in a tack shop or feeder mechants any where I would be so grateful, we will pay to get him back so please if anyone can help please do.
i feel so sick that he has had to go through all this when he could've just been returnedthere is no excuse for this horse to be suffering and going from dealer to dealer as he will be in a right state as he needs routine to settle him.
Not being funny but if he was 'so loved' and you feel sad that he is going from dealer to dealer then why did you not freeze mark him or have I missed this answer?
I am sorry your horse is stolen but I just can't extend the same sympathy towards people that haven't tried to make an effort to protect their horses in the first place as I can towards horses that are freezemarked and effort has been made to keep them 'safe' Just can't understand peoples ridiculous reasoning in this regard. Yes freezemarked horses to get stolen but I think Farmkey has a recovery rate of around 97% in this regard for freeze marked animals.
If that is based on factual data then I think we have something to learn from FarmKey here in the US. Can you direct me to where I find the national study or statical information that supplied that information please? I'd love to read it.
Totally uncalled for comments. Compassion costs nothing. Instead of adding to the OP's distress, why not start another thread about the merits of freeze marking ?
Thank you for the positve comments. The horse does not belong to me he belongs to a very close friend and I am trying to help find him get his horse back. He was not freezemarked as he did not feel it was necessary the yard he lived on was outside his kitchen window, nieve as that sounds. If you loan your horse to someone whose yard is 3 fields away from your yard and the agreement is that you return the horse if there are any problems or you don't want him anymore. For the girl to them sell him for £300 to a dealer is completely unfair. To then also lie to the owner and say that she didn't have time for him so her sisters ex groom was going to have him. The owner then asked for the details of the person who then had him so that he could go and see him to make sure everything was ok as he is a difficult horse to have around on a yard. You also would like to think that loaning your horse to a) someone so local and b) an ex police woman, that your horse would be in safe hands.
We all get to learn from our mistakes, but I now would never let a horse of mine go out on loan as there is no protection as an owner. You have to hand over the passport which is the only thing you have that says that horse belongs to you. Maybe the governing bodies will come up with a temporary passport for loaned horses, one day!
We will keep looking for Mickey and we hope that in all this he has not hurt anyone or him self and that someone has him and is looking afterhim the way he needs to be cared for, as I have said before, his wellbeing is all we care about.
Not being funny but if he was 'so loved' and you feel sad that he is going from dealer to dealer then why did you not freeze mark him or have I missed this answer?
I am sorry your horse is stolen but I just can't extend the same sympathy towards people that haven't tried to make an effort to protect their horses in the first place as I can towards horses that are freezemarked and effort has been made to keep them 'safe' Just can't understand peoples ridiculous reasoning in this regard. Yes freezemarked horses to get stolen but I think Farmkey has a recovery rate of around 97% in this regard for freeze marked animals.
Gosh, I've just read some of the posts on here (sharp intake of breath) ........ whilst accepting that Freezemarking is a good thing to have done and is an excellent deterrent - in this situation where OP is seeking information about a horse which was sold-on whilst on loan very close to her own yard, then its a bit like the saying about (re-arrange words) "horse, stable door", shutting, no use, gone .... etc".
Yes we all SHOULD have our horses freezemarked - I've got my boy done, BUT it doesn't give anyone any excuse to sell on someone else's horse whilst on loan!!!Does it??
I think the whole point of this thread is to get horse and OP re-united ASAP; and frankly whilst appreciating the undoubted wisdom of freezemarking I find some of the comments on here are only adding to OP's distress at this awful situation.
As for whoever went off at a tangent about freezemarking i am not to sure why they feel that would have been such a strong deterent and things like this wouldn't happen?
No news as of yet.
We have however deceided to offer a reward for any information that helps in the recovery of Mickey.
Please everyone keep your eyes peeled and any news, even if it may not seem important it could help us find Mickey. x