
Active Member
8 April 2012
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Thanks to everyone keeping an look out for Mickey, we have had someone come forward who said they went to try him but he was lame and he was then go to be heading to Ashford Market, so hopefully someone will have seen him somewhre. If anyone in the Kent area can put the poster up in a tack shop or feeder mechants any where I would be so grateful, we will pay to get him back so please if anyone can help please do.


Well-Known Member
6 June 2012
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Hi, the next sale at Ashford is 23rd August. No catalogues as yet. He wasn't in the june sale looking at their catalogue. or in the April. I get emailed as soon as the catalogue is out so will keep a eye on it for you :)


Well-Known Member
5 March 2012
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Hi, the next sale at Ashford is 23rd August. No catalogues as yet. He wasn't in the june sale looking at their catalogue. or in the April. I get emailed as soon as the catalogue is out so will keep a eye on it for you :)

Ditto but some go outside the ring, Weve got posters in tackshops in my area of Kent :)


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26 February 2003
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Large selection of tack and saddlery and selection of horses
and ponies for auction every month.
Entries always welcome in all sections.
Sale held second Friday of each month

For details tel 01580 891057
or www.duckhurst.com
Clapper Lane Staplehurst Kent TN12 0JW


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20 August 2007
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I really hope you find him, nothing useful to add but I have been following this thread from the beginning. Keeping everything crossed


18 April 2012
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Thanks to everyone keeping an look out for Mickey, we have had someone come forward who said they went to try him but he was lame and he was then go to be heading to Ashford Market, so hopefully someone will have seen him somewhre. If anyone in the Kent area can put the poster up in a tack shop or feeder mechants any where I would be so grateful, we will pay to get him back so please if anyone can help please do.

OMG poor Mickey :( he doesnt deserve this.. all he i was trust the wrong person n just pray he comes back safe xxxxx


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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I've got everything crossed you find him. Hope the little madam who sold him realises how much distress she's caused - what possessed her to sell him on?


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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i feel so sick that he has had to go through all this when he could've just been returned :( there is no excuse for this horse to be suffering and going from dealer to dealer as he will be in a right state as he needs routine to settle him.

Not being funny but if he was 'so loved' and you feel sad that he is going from dealer to dealer then why did you not freeze mark him or have I missed this answer?

I am sorry your horse is stolen but I just can't extend the same sympathy towards people that haven't tried to make an effort to protect their horses in the first place as I can towards horses that are freezemarked and effort has been made to keep them 'safe' Just can't understand peoples ridiculous reasoning in this regard. Yes freezemarked horses to get stolen but I think Farmkey has a recovery rate of around 97% in this regard for freeze marked animals.


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23 September 2004
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Not being funny but if he was 'so loved' and you feel sad that he is going from dealer to dealer then why did you not freeze mark him or have I missed this answer?

I am sorry your horse is stolen but I just can't extend the same sympathy towards people that haven't tried to make an effort to protect their horses in the first place as I can towards horses that are freezemarked and effort has been made to keep them 'safe' Just can't understand peoples ridiculous reasoning in this regard. Yes freezemarked horses to get stolen but I think Farmkey has a recovery rate of around 97% in this regard for freeze marked animals.

Totally uncalled for comments. Compassion costs nothing. Instead of adding to the OP's distress, why not start another thread about the merits of freeze marking ?


Well-Known Member
6 September 2009
I am sorry your horse is stolen but I just can't extend the same sympathy towards people that haven't tried to make an effort to protect their horses in the first place as I can towards horses that are freezemarked and effort has been made to keep them 'safe' Just can't understand peoples ridiculous reasoning in this regard. Yes freezemarked horses to get stolen but I think Farmkey has a recovery rate of around 97% in this regard for freeze marked animals.[/QUOTE]

Yes I do believe in identification as a means of a theft deterrent and recovery aide but I have to wonder where did you find the research data on the rate of recovery you stated above?

I have been working with theft victims and all of the ID agencies in the US for over a decade and no matter what kind of ID there is on horses no one can claim that kind of recovery rate because of their ID method or agency.

If that is based on factual data then I think we have something to learn from FarmKey here in the US. Can you direct me to where I find the national study or statical information that supplied that information please? I'd love to read it.

By the way, all of my horses have freezebrands, freezemarks and microchips. Some also have additional lip tattoos and when we are trailriding they also sport hoofbrands. Yes, I do believe in horse identification. I have been a victim of theft once. I don't intend on being one again. And if I am everyone will be able to ID my horses coming and going.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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If that is based on factual data then I think we have something to learn from FarmKey here in the US. Can you direct me to where I find the national study or statical information that supplied that information please? I'd love to read it.

Do apologise its 95% recovery rate, not 97%. I knew I'd seen it was a high amount.

I didn't say there was a national study. And I said I THINK the recovery rate was around 97% not that I knew it for definite. Here is the information that you obviously think I'm fabricating.

Our recovery rate is over 95%. We have links with the ILPH, (world horse welfare) RSPCA, Horsewatch groups and many more equine sources. We pride ourselves on getting the information out on your horse immediately, to as many people as possible.


And here is Freezemarks claim

To date the company has a 100% recovery record.

And here is their website detailing this in case you think I'm making this up too!

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Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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Totally uncalled for comments. Compassion costs nothing. Instead of adding to the OP's distress, why not start another thread about the merits of freeze marking ?

It was an uncalled for comment but hopefully it would make someone think twice about making sure they do get their horse marked, in order to prevent the suffering and agony this owner is going through.

It's nothing to do with not having compassion either. Its about plain common sense. Sorry if I've offended anyone but its very doubtful the OP would be putting her post on here if her horse had of been freezemarked. End of.

You only have to look through the high percentage of owners in the stolen section of this forum to see that most of them haven't bothered to take precautions against their animals getting stolen. As I said I'd rather save my sympathy for someone that cared enough in the first place. There really is no excuse. Period.

I'd no more not get a new horse freezemarked than I would ride without a hat, not wear flourescent on the road, or put my seat belt in when I got in the car. Common sense costs nothing and would save a hell of a lot of heartache in the long run. How can you disagree with that??? I put a poll on here once asking what the reasons were for people NOT freezemarking their horse. And do you know what they said? The top reason why people didn't bother was because they didn't want to 'mark' their animals, because the mark looked unsightly. A lot less unsightly than their horse slipping through the net and becoming a carcass hanging from a hook in an abbatoir imho.
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8 April 2012
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Thank you for the positve comments. The horse does not belong to me he belongs to a very close friend and I am trying to help find him get his horse back. He was not freezemarked as he did not feel it was necessary the yard he lived on was outside his kitchen window, nieve as that sounds. If you loan your horse to someone whose yard is 3 fields away from your yard and the agreement is that you return the horse if there are any problems or you don't want him anymore. For the girl to them sell him for £300 to a dealer is completely unfair. To then also lie to the owner and say that she didn't have time for him so her sisters ex groom was going to have him. The owner then asked for the details of the person who then had him so that he could go and see him to make sure everything was ok as he is a difficult horse to have around on a yard. You also would like to think that loaning your horse to a) someone so local and b) an ex police woman, that your horse would be in safe hands.
We all get to learn from our mistakes, but I now would never let a horse of mine go out on loan as there is no protection as an owner. You have to hand over the passport which is the only thing you have that says that horse belongs to you. Maybe the governing bodies will come up with a temporary passport for loaned horses, one day!

We will keep looking for Mickey and we hope that in all this he has not hurt anyone or him self and that someone has him and is looking afterhim the way he needs to be cared for, as I have said before, his wellbeing is all we care about.


18 April 2012
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Thank you for the positve comments. The horse does not belong to me he belongs to a very close friend and I am trying to help find him get his horse back. He was not freezemarked as he did not feel it was necessary the yard he lived on was outside his kitchen window, nieve as that sounds. If you loan your horse to someone whose yard is 3 fields away from your yard and the agreement is that you return the horse if there are any problems or you don't want him anymore. For the girl to them sell him for £300 to a dealer is completely unfair. To then also lie to the owner and say that she didn't have time for him so her sisters ex groom was going to have him. The owner then asked for the details of the person who then had him so that he could go and see him to make sure everything was ok as he is a difficult horse to have around on a yard. You also would like to think that loaning your horse to a) someone so local and b) an ex police woman, that your horse would be in safe hands.
We all get to learn from our mistakes, but I now would never let a horse of mine go out on loan as there is no protection as an owner. You have to hand over the passport which is the only thing you have that says that horse belongs to you. Maybe the governing bodies will come up with a temporary passport for loaned horses, one day!

We will keep looking for Mickey and we hope that in all this he has not hurt anyone or him self and that someone has him and is looking afterhim the way he needs to be cared for, as I have said before, his wellbeing is all we care about.

I had this happen to my old horse and he woman knew what happened to mine and was disgusted yet she did the same to Mickey??? why??? i dont get it and i pray he is being looked after and safe. x


18 April 2012
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Not being funny but if he was 'so loved' and you feel sad that he is going from dealer to dealer then why did you not freeze mark him or have I missed this answer?

I am sorry your horse is stolen but I just can't extend the same sympathy towards people that haven't tried to make an effort to protect their horses in the first place as I can towards horses that are freezemarked and effort has been made to keep them 'safe' Just can't understand peoples ridiculous reasoning in this regard. Yes freezemarked horses to get stolen but I think Farmkey has a recovery rate of around 97% in this regard for freeze marked animals.

If you had read the circumstances of this horse and how this has happened it is slightly different in the sense that the woman was three fields away from the owner and MIckey was loaned to her on the understanding he would go back to the owner if there were any problems either with he horse or financially! There was absolutely no reason to even think about freezemarking as we all thought we could trust his woman especially as she was a Police Woman (now ex police) and he was in a totally secure yard. And.... for your information my horses have always been freezemarked though not chipped as i have heard of horses being stolen and having them cut out!!! I also ride n hi viz etc etc but thats not what this post is about............it is about a horse that needs to be found before he or someone gets hurt and we can bring him back home.


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16 February 2009
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Gosh, I've just read some of the posts on here (sharp intake of breath) ........ whilst accepting that Freezemarking is a good thing to have done and is an excellent deterrent - in this situation where OP is seeking information about a horse which was sold-on whilst on loan very close to her own yard, then its a bit like the saying about (re-arrange words) "horse, stable door", shutting, no use, gone .... etc".

Yes we all SHOULD have our horses freezemarked - I've got my boy done, BUT it doesn't give anyone any excuse to sell on someone else's horse whilst on loan!!! :( Does it??

I think the whole point of this thread is to get horse and OP re-united ASAP; and frankly whilst appreciating the undoubted wisdom of freezemarking I find some of the comments on here are only adding to OP's distress at this awful situation.


18 April 2012
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Gosh, I've just read some of the posts on here (sharp intake of breath) ........ whilst accepting that Freezemarking is a good thing to have done and is an excellent deterrent - in this situation where OP is seeking information about a horse which was sold-on whilst on loan very close to her own yard, then its a bit like the saying about (re-arrange words) "horse, stable door", shutting, no use, gone .... etc".

Yes we all SHOULD have our horses freezemarked - I've got my boy done, BUT it doesn't give anyone any excuse to sell on someone else's horse whilst on loan!!! :( Does it??

I think the whole point of this thread is to get horse and OP re-united ASAP; and frankly whilst appreciating the undoubted wisdom of freezemarking I find some of the comments on here are only adding to OP's distress at this awful situation.

Thank you x


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8 April 2012
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Thank you MiJodsR2BlinkinTite, This thread was started in the hope that we can find Mickey. I agree with freeze marking but as said this is a case of finding him now, yes if and when we get him back he will be free marked but the most important thing now is to find him.

Thank you to all those who have put posters up and asked around your help is very much appreciated. We just want to know he is safe.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2011
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Wishing you every luck in finding Micky.

Having had a horse go to a "friend" to then be passed onto someone else and for me to find him advertied i know how awful that is. I was lucky i got him back but it could have been so different.

As for whoever went off at a tangent about freezemarking i am not to sure why they feel that would have been such a strong deterent and things like this wouldn't happen? Clearly i am missing something. Is that the same way in which cars are stolen and shipped abroad, trailers are stolen yet are marked? Friend of mine had her brand new Ifor WIlliams stolen yet it had beed marked the previous week and was never recovered! Same way as a burglar alarm going off in houses and people not paying attention! It may deter some people but if someone wants to steal something then regardless of what preventitive measures you have in place they will. This woman was clearly very dishonest and knew exactly what she was doing. I have known plenty of people who buy horses outside the sales ring with no documents, it shouldn't happen anymore but as everyone knows it goes on. A friend works for Trading Standards and she has seen the lengths people will go to, to make a fast "buck"

I shall post this on my facebook page, not that i am near you in the country but you never know with dealers, they tend to pass round to those they know.

I shall keep watching this thread with the hope of good news.x


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5 April 2010
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As for whoever went off at a tangent about freezemarking i am not to sure why they feel that would have been such a strong deterent and things like this wouldn't happen?

I think the main thing is:
Freezemarking like hoof brands are obvious marks which the horse can be identified. Specially in the recovery of the animal.

I have known cases (Happened at Southall years back) When one of the dealers said that a knacker man outside the market was offered a horse for meat money for a quick sale. The meat man saw it had a freezemark and had it checked out, turned out it was stolen he realized there was a reward and got more money for reporting it than the meat money, Horse eventually returned to owner.

I have also(in the past) been told that a group of ponies were stolen from a field taken some where, sorted out - freezemark ones left others never seen again.. Some thieves actually take rugs off prior to stealing.
I don't want to upset these members anymore than they are, they must be beside their selves- I know I would be.

I wish these morons that steal horses would have half a brain as to know what its like to lose a horse or any animal.

Yes I wish all owners would freezemark its a deterrent too, sadly this wont help in this case. I hope and pray all these horses return to owners..

Here is a list worth having if you don't already know it

Does anyone know if there is a way to email all the sales with a picture of the horses stolen. So even if no one goes to the sale they will have the pictures as reference??:)

Maybe that is something some one should start up a magazine with photos and details of stolen horses which get sent to auctions . Don't suppose anyone has the time to set it up ??
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8 April 2012
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Thank you for the posts, and the list of auctions, I will try and email them all with his poster.

As said all that matters is his well being


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8 April 2012
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No news as of yet.

We have however deceided to offer a reward for any information that helps in the recovery of Mickey.


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8 April 2012
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We have had the best news today, We have found Mickey he is safe and well. We are going to see him this week.

Thank you to everyone who has helped look for him