Sugarplum Furry
Well-Known Member
I'm not a shouty person. Anyone who knows me on here will tell you that. But my patience ran out yesterday with my YO and I literally roared at her. To make matters worse she's such a sweet person, she had bought me a birthday present which she'd left in the tack room and I didn't find it until after the event, so know I feel like an utter biatch.
Why did I shout? A few months ago, inspired by me moving my horses to her place, she decided to buy herself her own horse, after years of not having one. Bearing in mind she's in her 60's, very frail, tiny, nervous, novicey and inexperienced I expected her to come home with a little sensible plod. Nope. What came off the trailer was a recently backed flat racing bred TB mare, just turned 4. Not vetted. Underweight. Not sound. With a funny look in her eye. Ah, right. (And shame on you, incidentally, if you were the person who sold this horse to her and happen to be reading this, there couldn't be a more unsuitable match of owner and horse) So months have passed while we all tried to make the best of a bad job.
'Help me' said YO, so I've organised vets, chiropracters, remedial farriers,barefoot trimmers, saddlers, behaviourists, you name it, I've found them and wheeled them in. I've supported, advised, researched, mopped tears, listened to hours of the YO agonising over the situation, lain awake at night worrying about them and found reserves of patience I never knew I had.
So yesterday, I walked past the stable and YO was in there with the mare. Bridle was on and YO announced they were going for a walk up the lane. 'Lovely' I said. Moments later I heard YO saying 'Oh actually I don't think I will, she's REALLY hyped up this evening'. I glanced back in, and mare was gently nodding her head up and down to get rid of a fly on her face. And I just blew. I shouted that it's not the mare thats the problem, it's HER. And then I found the present, and then I came home, and now I feel rather very hugely crap.
In my defence, I'm just getting over swine flu, and my Dad is very ill and not expected to last the summer, and it was my birthday yesterday and I felt a bit strange in the head, but on the other hand I shouldn't have taken it out on YO.
Just hope she doesn't chuck me out!!!
Why did I shout? A few months ago, inspired by me moving my horses to her place, she decided to buy herself her own horse, after years of not having one. Bearing in mind she's in her 60's, very frail, tiny, nervous, novicey and inexperienced I expected her to come home with a little sensible plod. Nope. What came off the trailer was a recently backed flat racing bred TB mare, just turned 4. Not vetted. Underweight. Not sound. With a funny look in her eye. Ah, right. (And shame on you, incidentally, if you were the person who sold this horse to her and happen to be reading this, there couldn't be a more unsuitable match of owner and horse) So months have passed while we all tried to make the best of a bad job.
'Help me' said YO, so I've organised vets, chiropracters, remedial farriers,barefoot trimmers, saddlers, behaviourists, you name it, I've found them and wheeled them in. I've supported, advised, researched, mopped tears, listened to hours of the YO agonising over the situation, lain awake at night worrying about them and found reserves of patience I never knew I had.
So yesterday, I walked past the stable and YO was in there with the mare. Bridle was on and YO announced they were going for a walk up the lane. 'Lovely' I said. Moments later I heard YO saying 'Oh actually I don't think I will, she's REALLY hyped up this evening'. I glanced back in, and mare was gently nodding her head up and down to get rid of a fly on her face. And I just blew. I shouted that it's not the mare thats the problem, it's HER. And then I found the present, and then I came home, and now I feel rather very hugely crap.
In my defence, I'm just getting over swine flu, and my Dad is very ill and not expected to last the summer, and it was my birthday yesterday and I felt a bit strange in the head, but on the other hand I shouldn't have taken it out on YO.
Just hope she doesn't chuck me out!!!