Pictures I thought this was cute C-:


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Oh so cute! ? im sure many here will relate!

I soo wanted a pony for xmas for so many years. It never happened but i got horses when older, and i had that child-like excitement the days leading up to horse arriving.
When the horse arrived an unexpected adult weird terror filled me ..“oh my god ive got a horse....what have i done?!” ?


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Aww, reminds me of Christmas when I was twelve. I used to spend every waking moment that I could, helping at the local riding school. On Christmas morning, my twelfth birthday I was taken there and told to look in one of the stables. Inside was a little grey mare. I was told she was mine. Have never forgotten that moment

That moment every child horse lover dreams of! And for your birthday to be on christmas day! extra sparkly that day must have been for you ??


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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for years I dreamt of that every Christmas eve when I went to bed. Never happened of course. :)

One year when i was sure that xmas i was going to get a pony having spent many years slaving house and garden chores, proving myself capable of looking after animals by looking after the whole brood of 7 dogs, 6 cats, chickens, geese and ducks...getting A’s and B’s at school etc etc.....only to be faced with a pair of boots. Not even riding boots. Siblings got bikes and major huge presents and i’m scowling at a pair of boots!!

” I thought you said i could finally have a pony?” I said to wicked step-mother
”huh! You said you wanted the caravan! It was either horse or caravan and you chose caravan!”

Im utterly speechless. Many months before, all us kids were carted off to a touring caravan sales site. We weren’t asked if we wanted a caravan! So we are all looking at these caravan and parents ask “which should we get?” - i actually wasn’t interested at all and the younger kids chose one! There was never a mention of pony OR caravan. I would have gone without food for a year for a pony at that time....let alone choose a darn caravan over one!