I was a real arsey judge yesterday......


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
In turmoil..
Agreed to judge for an unamed PC against my better judgment.Got there in plenty of time only to be ignored. I made myself known and told to help myself to coffee. Drove up to the arenas only to notice that the nearest loo was two fields away. I had a full class of 30 over 3.5 hours with a 20 min break in the middle. A lovely writer and good sheet collector. Class went well but last two before the break didnt show. A car drew up next to me and the steward yelled to me that she had held up the last two because they need to change the car of the judge in my neighbouring arena. There was no need to halt mine because they could have got next door another way. Holding up two meant I had lost my break.!
I did these two then said I was holding the start to go the the loo. I had to move my car, which I really dont like doing. We hadnt been given a drink all morning and when I requested one I was met with some polite rudeness ( If that makes sense). We returned after the loo break to a cup of cold sugarless coffee. I had a real moan and someone sent for supplies. about half an hour later a carrier bag was thrust into my car with coffee , a couple of juices and 2 penguins. Better than nothing. It was a hot day and we really needed liquid.
I finished my class and was told lunch was in the tent. Now at most venues, we are sat at laid tables and given lunch. Again I was ignored so helped myself to some salad. I asked who did the expenses......again a little abruptly a lady said she did but her cheque book was in the car....so I waited....for nearly 10 mins. Oh she said, I thought you were coming out......Not a chance....our cheques should come to us!!
I really felt that we were thought of as unimportant and that the organises really didnt consider that sitting in a hot car for 4 hours is really tiring and thirsty work.
Never again. Ive had similar prob with them in the past when Ive been to their juniors ODE's and have put in writing my feelings.
Maybe Im being picky, but if these places want Listed Judges ( and I suspect I was only one of a few yesterday) then we really do need a little more respect. All this for £20!!!!

OK.... Post Menopausal rant over!!


Well-Known Member
2 December 2005
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OMG that's a bit rude! Anywhere I've been to they treat judges on a par with the pope.

Well maybe not the pope but they receive some nice hospitality anyway! I'd complain Hils, that's awful!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
I really hope the PC concerned read your post and feel ashamed.
Judges give their time for bugger all expenses in most cases and deserve respect and looking after.
Our local show asked me to judge next month and were keen to assure me a slap up lunch is provided plus were happy for me to say what classes I wanted to judge.
I haven't judged for a few years but used to do so almost every week at one time, and know how vital loo breaks are.
I would never go back there Hils and would tell them why if they ask you again..


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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I have no sympathy for you at all.
Drinks - you should have brought your own, or drunk the water out of your car radiator. I believe you can filter your own urine, too, although I concede that might have distracted you from marking the movements.
Loo - if you were sufficiently dehydrated this wouldn't have been a problem for you. Take a squash bottle, and learn how to aim, like those lovely truck drivers seem to.
Food - it usually would take about a week for you to starve...perhaps you could do a 'Ray Mears' and learn recipes for the flies/insects?

PS Secretly, I do sympathise - having found myself flag checking on roads and tracks (a few years back) - with only an 8 min break ALL day, and a 10 min drive to the nearest loo....


Well-Known Member
8 November 2002
Alkham, Kent
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As a BSJA judge, I can agree with you on this front as well. It used to be that the judges got looked after better, but these days, they begrudge getting you even a drink - if I radio through and ask for a drink, or some lunch, you are met with a surly secretary who often forgets to order it, so you wait a reasonable amount of time, and then ask again to find out they've forgotten.

I judged at a riding club show a couple of weeks ago (for which I had driven miles), to at the end of the day, be told that they'd have to post my expenses to me as they'd forgotten the cheque book. My expenses just about covered my fuel for the day, and then I had to wait for them, and you are made to feel guilty for asking.

I sometimes wonder why we do it..........


Well-Known Member
5 December 2007
Home Counties
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Was going to post a minor rant about a miserable judge at a pc comp we went to yesterday - perhaps that's why she was miserable, if that's how you all get treated!

Daughter and friend both attended loads of dressage rallies in preparation, cleaned tack, got up early, bathed horse, plaited etc and then got low marks and depressing comments. The 'lovely horse, but' and then a long list of what was wrong sort of comment. Thought judge was perhaps a little deranged in the heat, but probably half-starved, dehydrated and majorly p....d off then...


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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You should judge for our riding club, generally get a scrummy packed lunch and treated like royalty

Have to say we won't let the pony club back on our farm now, the are a bunch of ungrateful wretches at the best of times!


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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Thats apalling treatment!!

I judged for a local ridging club show not so long ago.
Four hours of dressage. Fabulous writer to help me. We had a twenty minute break halfway through, every time someone came to collect sheets (regularly!) we were offered tea, food etc, when we finished we were offered more food, given a bottle of wine and asked what we wanted for expenses!!

All this and I am not a listed judge! I used to be on the commitee for this rc and we have always treated judges and helpers with the respect they thoroughly deserve.

On a similar vein, my dressage instructor had a similar incident to yourself the other week. She has vowed never to go there again! (and she did it as a last minute favour as they been let down)


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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That is shocking. I most certainly wouldn't be making a repeat visit.

When I was PC Secretary we practically fell over ourselves to show our appreciation to our Judges (but not, I noticed, Committee members who did it all voluntarily...pratts that we are! We made do with the left overs if the brats hadn't got in there first)

Judges had a proper lunch, in a tent or a caravan, loo breaks, drinks to the ring, a loo with a door that shut (AND loo paper) Expenses were paid on the day, the DC grovelled and I sent Thank You cards.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
In turmoil..
Was going to post a minor rant about a miserable judge at a pc comp we went to yesterday - perhaps that's why she was miserable, if that's how you all get treated!

Daughter and friend both attended loads of dressage rallies in preparation, cleaned tack, got up early, bathed horse, plaited etc and then got low marks and depressing comments. The 'lovely horse, but' and then a long list of what was wrong sort of comment. Thought judge was perhaps a little deranged in the heat, but probably half-starved, dehydrated and majorly p....d off then...

[/ QUOTE ]

O, I hope it wasnt me!!!