Hiya. Daughter has had terrible trouble with finding a jump saddle for her big warmblood. Seen several local saddlers without any luck (including being sold an unsuitable saddle). Everything just bounces and lifts at back (big long wither, flat broad back, ! His Stressage is an ideal Jessica which is quite good actually with a thin prolite added when hes fitter and leaner. Albion K2 did fit initially then bounced, saddler tried different flocking options but then it seemed to squeeze under the stirrup bars and bounce more. Black Countries mono event and a quantum too curved, various HD, Winners circle, Silhoutte, Fairfax, Amerigo all no use. Ideal T&T sat oddly, one of the AH saddles ok but not fwd enough for very long legged slim rider. Others too bulky aagh, GFS has a horrible cantle
After that essay (Apologies) - an Ideal Exceed was suggested by one saddler (although none in stock). Has anyone used one, tried one and how does it compare with an Impala Pro which was also suggested (not double flap)? Many thanks
After that essay (Apologies) - an Ideal Exceed was suggested by one saddler (although none in stock). Has anyone used one, tried one and how does it compare with an Impala Pro which was also suggested (not double flap)? Many thanks