Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this should be in here or vetinary... it's a long one lol!!
How do I work out an ideal weight for a pony?
Pony is approx 9.3hh and weighs (wait for it) 285k.
He literally wobbles when he walks and has fat pads on his shoulders. It makes me feel quite ill if I think about it too much. His hairyness ATM does make him look even dumpier. Before anyone shouts, I bought him like that.
Management wise, he's stabled at night, out for a couple of hours a day. He's always happy to come in, in fact probably prefers being in! He doesnt move about alot when he's out, prefers to talk to the chickens and munch on what grass he can. If he can't go out he goes for a long walk.
Whilst he's turned out he's wearing a grazing muzzle. He's hacked out at walk twice to three times a week.
He has a pad of hay a night, which he doesnt eat all of (would say he eats about half). i have tried soaking it etc, but no avail. His teeth are fine.
He has 2 carrots in his snackball, just to keep him entertained, and two handfuls of hi-fi lite morning and night (this is because he doesnt eat much hay) with a multi vitamin. I was going to just replace his hay with Hi Fi at 2 kg a day, but when I saw the volume 2kg is I freaked.... It's alot!
health wise, he's fine. He's bright and alert, but I need to get some weight off of him over the next few months.
Any ideas? Is 1/2 a pad of hay enough for him? During the day he spends most of his time being nosey, and hardly eats any hay then either. I am concerned for his digestive system as obviously he needs a certain amount of fibre.
How do I work out an ideal weight for a pony?
Pony is approx 9.3hh and weighs (wait for it) 285k.

He literally wobbles when he walks and has fat pads on his shoulders. It makes me feel quite ill if I think about it too much. His hairyness ATM does make him look even dumpier. Before anyone shouts, I bought him like that.
Management wise, he's stabled at night, out for a couple of hours a day. He's always happy to come in, in fact probably prefers being in! He doesnt move about alot when he's out, prefers to talk to the chickens and munch on what grass he can. If he can't go out he goes for a long walk.
Whilst he's turned out he's wearing a grazing muzzle. He's hacked out at walk twice to three times a week.
He has a pad of hay a night, which he doesnt eat all of (would say he eats about half). i have tried soaking it etc, but no avail. His teeth are fine.
He has 2 carrots in his snackball, just to keep him entertained, and two handfuls of hi-fi lite morning and night (this is because he doesnt eat much hay) with a multi vitamin. I was going to just replace his hay with Hi Fi at 2 kg a day, but when I saw the volume 2kg is I freaked.... It's alot!
health wise, he's fine. He's bright and alert, but I need to get some weight off of him over the next few months.
Any ideas? Is 1/2 a pad of hay enough for him? During the day he spends most of his time being nosey, and hardly eats any hay then either. I am concerned for his digestive system as obviously he needs a certain amount of fibre.