Well-Known Member
hiya, looking at the photo he doesnt look toooo bad... you should be able to just feel his ribs when you press on his sides, he doesnt seen to eat alot, but then mine doesnt either, she never eats all her hay... if his poo's are ok and not too solid ie normal poo's and he's not constipated then he'll be fine... try and up his exercise a bit and the weight should come off, its getting it started which is the problem.
My shetland is 36" - so 9hh and weighs 210kg and i can just feel her ribs, remember using a weigh tape will weigh over his fur and may make him apparently weigh more than what he is... my shetland gets, hifi good doer and speedibeet and baileys local balancer, shes got a trace clip as she was getting too hot and she has ad lib hay, shes in at night out during the day, with not much grass which is supplemented with hay. Shetlands seem to live on fresh air especially in summer!
My shetland is 36" - so 9hh and weighs 210kg and i can just feel her ribs, remember using a weigh tape will weigh over his fur and may make him apparently weigh more than what he is... my shetland gets, hifi good doer and speedibeet and baileys local balancer, shes got a trace clip as she was getting too hot and she has ad lib hay, shes in at night out during the day, with not much grass which is supplemented with hay. Shetlands seem to live on fresh air especially in summer!