My girls ashes are in my back garden - burried with a nice plant on top of her - I often have a natter to her whilst wandering in the garden - in fact my garden is like a pet cemetary along one side of it.
Not ready to let go of my boys ashes yet, I seem to take comfort that he is near, and still feel him around me with the other horses.
Am going to get a lovelyglass top table made so they can go in their with all his rosettes, show bridle and bits and pieces., and pictures of us together underneath the glass.
I kept hold of my horse's ashes for a few weeks - I couldn't bear to let them go, they sat in the corner of his stable in a wicker basket.
Then I scattered them on a mound in his field where he would frequently stand. Oh look - this had made me cry again, but I love the fact that his ashes have helped the grass grow where my present horse grazes.
Its not going to happen cos it costs far too much and I doubt if the ashes returned pertain to 'ones own' horse. I would probably fertilise the roses or rhubarb with them if I were to take that route. Here in Italy, they go off to the rendering plant and the local Agriculture Soc pay you back 50 per cent of your costs on the submission of receipts etc. I dont do horse funerals anymore. My yard is based on retirement livery so I have to admit that Ive become hardened to the reality of equine deaths.