If you were a horse, what would your quirks be?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2008
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I would have unruly hair and be moody and temperamental when in season:) However my plus sides would be that I would live on fresh air and I would be an incredibly loyal horse to the right owner. Oh and I hate the cold and wet so i would be high maintenance with rugs.


Well-Known Member
5 November 2006
Bedfordshire & Birmingham
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I would be a fussy eater and poor doer that would hate being stabled and would be in the middle of the pecking order in the field. I would be bold but sensitive and prone to moods. However I would give my absolute all for my rider. I would be quite tense when ridden and always on the look for danger, but not spooky. I wouldn't be the fastest horse but would have stamina. I would love XC but would struggle with my balance and coordination for SJ, though I'd still enjoy it. I would absolutely suck at dressage! I would be a great hacker, being adaptable over different terrains and in many different weathers, and wouldn't make a fuss but would just get on with the job. I would lack self confidence but would have potential, and would have to be given clear and calm instructions or I would get very tense and panic. I would need a kind and sensitive but confident rider. I would definitely be a bit aloof and distant with strangers but think I would get very attached and affectionate if I had just the 1 rider.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Quirks? None, I'd have been shot for being an objectionable bugger.

Either that or I would have devised an elaborate plan to escape, taking my closest field buddies with me, under cover of darkness and fled to the nearest rural area to go undercover with the natives...


Well-Known Member
4 January 2011
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Haha this thread is awesome!

Hmm I'd be that horse u wanna keep your distance from as it will lunge at you over the door, doesn't like schooling, definitely a bucker! Abit pigeon toed, awkwardly inbetween rug sizes, a real stubborn, pain in the a** mare :D


Well-Known Member
23 October 2011
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
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Oooh, love it!!

I'd have to live out 24/7 however make sure there is a nice big field shelter so I can stand under it when it rains and pull nasty faces to keep the other horses out in the rain.

I'd be a very talented horse however you'd be s**t out of luck trying to get me to show my talents under saddle. And naturally as soon as you give up and let me go I'd do all those flashy moves whilst chasing all the other horses around the paddock.

I'd be very tempramental and you'd never be able to figure out if I wanted a cuddle until you tried and either got bitten or didn't. But if you didn't try I'd bite you cos I actually may have wanted a cuddle :eek:

I'd much rather be out trail riding than schooling but if you were persuasive enough I'd be happy doing xcountry providing you didn't try to tell me where to go and what to do :D

I'd be pretty full of energy and very aware of my surroundings but more prone to bucking than shying. However, there will be days when I'd simply stand and stare at nothing and no amount of anything will get me to snap out of it and do something, anything, really.

Don't bother trying to put me in foal, I'd most likely beat the s**t out of the stallion and providing you found one who did take my fancy I'd never let you near the foal. Until of course it starts talking back and then I'd completely ignore it and you could take it!