If your horse is only fit for light work- Does it bother you?


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24 February 2009
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Just out of interest/nosiness really!
So many people question me and my horse as he's not able to do a huge amount and i always reply that i dont mind. It made me think, I used to live for jumping and cantering and would never ever hack out at a walk. Roads were a means to reach canter area's :-D
Now i mainly walk. I have the odd canter when i feel my horse is well and the round is perfect but other than that no. I cherish the fact i actually have him with me and that he's happy and sound (i took him on when his old owner decided to pts due to long term lamenesse )
I can honsetly say i dont miss tearing round- yes id love him to be 100% but just because it would take away the worry about him becoming unsound again knowing everything that can be done has been but for me and my riding im genuinly happy doing what we do!
Is this weird?! lots of people seem to think so as of course he costs to keep, if not a little more as he has to be managed that i should just get something "better"
Are there lots of us in this situation and if so do you mind?


Well-Known Member
5 July 2009
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Just out of interest/nosiness really!
So many people question me and my horse as he's not able to do a huge amount and i always reply that i dont mind. It made me think, I used to live for jumping and cantering and would never ever hack out at a walk. Roads were a means to reach canter area's :-D
Now i mainly walk. I have the odd canter when i feel my horse is well and the round is perfect but other than that no. I cherish the fact i actually have him with me and that he's happy and sound (i took him on when his old owner decided to pts due to long term lamenesse )
I can honsetly say i dont miss tearing round- yes id love him to be 100% but just because it would take away the worry about him becoming unsound again knowing everything that can be done has been but for me and my riding im genuinly happy doing what we do!
Is this weird?! lots of people seem to think so as of course he costs to keep, if not a little more as he has to be managed that i should just get something "better"
Are there lots of us in this situation and if so do you mind?

I don't think it is strange at all. With my last pony I used to love a good gallop and adored jumping, but I never do it now and I don't miss it. Theoretically my boy will hopefully be able to do that one day, but we're trying to sort out some muscle issues, build his topline and generally chill him out so all we do is walk and trot at the moment, and hacks are only ever in walk to stop him stressing. I was musing the other day about how little I mind it, I love going for a lovely walk in the forest and don't wish i was able to go whizzing off at all - although perhaps that's my senses of self preservation kicking in!


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12 August 2008
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I would have loved to be able to do some high level competition with V-man but due to his sidebones he is just not up to it.

However I have found I really enjoy just pootling about, and will be doing some very low level dressage this winter the nice thing is neither of us are pressurised and we both enjoy what we do, also as I get older I am happy with a nice walk and trot out with maybe a little bit of canter rather than the full on gallop for miles, jump anything of my youth.


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16 February 2009
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I don't think it's strange at all! I'd be ecstatic if my mare was fit enough for light work, especially since we could be looking at complete retirement. If I could do what you do with your horse, I'd be very happy :)


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2 April 2009
north cambs
not in the slightest, mine isnt even ride/drivable now at at only 12yo has a considirble time left to just be a pet. as i have him at livery it means we dont have much chance to ride or drive anymore but i dont care as he is my boy & i love him "useable" or not.


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24 February 2009
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Ok so maybe its just people who..
1, dont have horses at all and dont understand the relief of still having the horse and to be able to spend th and 2, people like i used to be where the thought of never going for a burn is hideous!?
Those of us in the situation are the ones that dont worry it seems! Although iove yet to come across a person in real life who hasnt seemed a little bemused that i cant go hunting/show jumping or for long hacks


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25 February 2012
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My 23yr old isn't really limited to light work, she's still fine for unaffil local stuff but following an injury we had to stop doing the competing we were used to. I miss hunting & bs, but I would rather have her, even fully retired than any other. I have always thought of her as a pet, even when to all appearances she was a comp pony.


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5 August 2011
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Why should it bother you? Your busines only if you ask me ... sod what others think - they'd only spend their money on cigarettes or the gym, etc ... if it makes you happy then thats all that matters! :D

Im sure there are a lot of people out there with unsound horses for one reason or another and they cant be ridden full stop so the fact you can go out and enjoy if great :cool:


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7 September 2011
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It bothers me a little... the thought that I may never be able to gallop or jump my TB again is quite upsetting, but not as upsetting as the possibility that I may never ride him again. Right now I would settle for light work, but can't deny I really hope I can do more some day.


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24 February 2009
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I don't think it's strange at all! I'd be ecstatic if my mare was fit enough for light work, especially since we could be looking at complete retirement. If I could do what you do with your horse, I'd be very happy :)

Dont give up, Mine was booked in to be pts after vets and owners (i was his groom) decided that after several years of trying he was unhappy and uncomfortable even to retire. Lots of trial and error and heart ache later ive found supplements i swear by and have a horse who is obviously happy and content- Of course i dont know your mare's problems but i can recommend Equine America Buteless for one.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
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It bothers me a little... the thought that I may never be able to gallop or jump my TB again is quite upsetting, but not as upsetting as the possibility that I may never ride him again. Right now I would settle for light work, but can't deny I really hope I can do more some day.

Whats wrong with him?


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7 September 2011
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Whats wrong with him?

Every time I try and bring him into work he goes lame. This time it was PSD; we shockwaved and boxrested, and he came sound, then just before starting his excercise programme he went lame again. This time it's his hock - soft tissue injury. The box rest gave him ulcers as well as a hock injury, so I've just turned him away for 6 months; if he's not sound by the end of it then I guess he'll stay in a field :(.


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22 May 2010
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I love my horses and won't sell just because they can't cope with what I want to do anymore. Iv got 1 that needs new feet so he won't be doing a lot at the mo and a old retired boy but they are my family so I won't buy in a new model and kick them out.


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29 October 2010
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it would bother me at the age she is yes... 5ish...

when we have done what i want to do (dressage) im happy for her for to do whatever makes her life complete - hacking at a walk?

So yes it would bother me now, only because i have plans....however if something took over and we could only do walk and the odd bit of trot - id accept it and adjust my plans accordingly as shes with me for life :)


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22 May 2010
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Twostoke the same has happened with my lad, lame everytime I tried to get him into work. I pray one day he will be sorted. His are his feet, flat underrun heels and his pedal bones are rotated.
I will grow him new feet to get him sorted so don't give up hope on your lad.


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17 February 2009
Beyond redemption
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In answer to your question, hell no. We only potter about the lanes with the occasional canter if we feel like it. Any dreams I may have had of greater things are long gone. As lomg as my horse is happy, so am I.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
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In answer to your question, hell no. We only potter about the lanes with the occasional canter if we feel like it. Any dreams I may have had of greater things are long gone. As lomg as my horse is happy, so am I.

Here here!!!

Twostroke Im sorry to hear that- In many ways perhaps its easier for me in that i didnt know my horse before he had problems. He used to event and hunt but since ive known him he's been much worse than he currently is so i guess i know no difference with him. I really hope you manage to get your boy sorted. Grass rest can put a multitude of isses right, so fingers crossed!


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1 March 2010
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My one boy at 8 has developed a pollen allergy so I can't ride him all summer - which is when all the fun rides & xc are. So I've just bought another one so I don't miss out on my riding whilst my other boy rests his lungs ready to come back into full work for autumn winter :) My aim is to get him on the walker for a daily pootle once its in & some light lunging just to keep the belly off but no pressure on him.


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12 August 2008
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My lad was only just six when we discovered he had severe side bones in both fronts effectivly rendering all plans for him redundant. My Vet at the time did offer me the chance to pts so I could claim on the insurance and get as he put it "one that will work".

V-man is very chilled and very happy and enjoys what he can do he has no idea at all that he was destined to be a higher level sports horse on the very odd occasions (right surface, not too high and not too often!) that we do let him have a small jump we do look at him and go "bugger what a waste" ;-).

He is a lovely person to have about and the bits we can do we enjoy the biggest challenge has been getting that sports horse brain to realise it does not need to work at 90 miles an hour when you are only ambling out for a hack or working on a walk and trot test in the school! ;-)


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
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My one boy at 8 has developed a pollen allergy so I can't ride him all summer - which is when all the fun rides & xc are. So I've just bought another one so I don't miss out on my riding whilst my other boy rests his lungs ready to come back into full work for autumn winter :) My aim is to get him on the walker for a daily pootle once its in & some light lunging just to keep the belly off but no pressure on him.

Now this one i really do feel for. My daughters last pony had such severe summer allergies she too was un rideable during spring and summer which is of course when a little girl wants to be riding and as you say getting out and about.
Such an unfair condition especially as with horses unlike people they cant really be brought in out of the allergens


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11 September 2005
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My horse is only in light work due to being arthritic in few places. Still worked 5-6 days a week as this keeps him a lot more supple. We hack only in walk as don't like trotting on roads unless necessary and only now jump on good ground or a decent surface as I worry too much about his legs. Working at prelim level dressage but aiming to get to novice before he gets too old.
I would be just as happy to plod about on him tho as long as he happy and sound that is the main thing x


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29 July 2011
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After an autumn of enjoying a fun ride every week my cob then went lame and was diagnosed with hock arthritis and had pretty much the entire winter off with the odd walk out. Brought him back into work which as our main hacking is only roads, we generally walk anyway so he is pretty much in light work permenantly.

He stays in light work to keep his legs moving, and he got taken to his first sponsored ride of the year in April with the simple ambition of walking the entire 10 miles. I didn't care I couldn't jump, couldn't blast across the fields full speed...I simply enjoyed the fact I was riding him, he had come sound and he was enjoying the ride with his field companion:eek:

The highlight of it all was his first trot and canter (and naughty excited bucks) he managed SOUND after 5 months of walking that I had restricted him to:D Our aim to walk 10 miles showed after a good 1 1/2 hr walking my boy loosens up...light work results in rewarding work:)


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18 December 2011
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My mare is 20, owes me nothing, I had her for schooling at 4, rode and competed her for the owner on a sort of loan agreement for years, bought her when she broke at 16 years old for pure sentimental reasons to secure our future together so I knew exactly what I was getting into. Pootle about and try to keep her happy, I did what I needed to do despite people's comments and she still gives me endless pleasure despite being limited in what we can do.


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15 September 2011
Colchester, Essex
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I don't think its strange. I only have mine for pootling about and I get just as much enjoyment from just looking after them and being with them. I have recently taken up distance rides which is pootling about in different and a lot of the time lovely places! I took a lot of stick as a child for just wanting to pootle about. Pals were all out competing every weekend and I was quite happy grooming and going for a nice plod.

At the end of the day we have our horses to enjoy them and if they do what you want to do with them then thats perfect. No such thing as a "wasted" horse if it is doing the job you ask of it IMO.

Happy Pootling to all my fellow pootlers out there :D


Go away, I'm reading
18 December 2010
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Nope.....we nearly lost our lami last year and knew he would either be a feild ornament, ligth work or back into full work.....he is, due to suspected ringbone, not allowed in the school but i can as long as ground is good do some good fitness work round the feilds with him. I would rather have the horses than competition.


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7 September 2011
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Thanks, McNally. He's only just turned 9, so there's time for him yet (or he'll a lawn mower for a long time :rolleyes:).

Twostoke the same has happened with my lad, lame everytime I tried to get him into work. I pray one day he will be sorted. His are his feet, flat underrun heels and his pedal bones are rotated.
I will grow him new feet to get him sorted so don't give up hope on your lad.

Sounds familiar! Mine also has negative palmar angle all round, and some reverse rotation in one hind, plus distal descent of p3 in all feet. He's been on the Forage Plus balancer for 2 months now though, and has just now started to develop some concavity in his front feet for the first time ever.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2010
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Now this one i really do feel for. My daughters last pony had such severe summer allergies she too was un rideable during spring and summer which is of course when a little girl wants to be riding and as you say getting out and about.
Such an unfair condition especially as with horses unlike people they cant really be brought in out of the allergens

He hates being stabled too so thats not an option plus being a Section D I cant really go feeding him everyday just to get a pollen supplement down him whilst hes not in work, he's end up with laminitus! But we've found just walking in hand & been left to his own devices his breathing is better, the pressure of being ridden causes him to heave & double exhale & its heart breaking seeing him struggle, nostrils flared even though he wants to keep up. All they could offer was steriods but for the sake of stressing him out, missing 6 months a yr on him & the increased risk of laminitus I've decided to leave him be & get another one. I've had the new one 3wks & I feel like Im being unfaithful :(

If I couldnt afford another one then I still would have kept him & just missed out on the riding, hes my boy Ive had him since a foal :) Gives me something to look forward to over winter now! Nov - April bring it on! lol