Ignorant riders on the road


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20 July 2010
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I was happily driving down a country road yesterday when i happned across 2 horses and their riders (2 abreast), i slowed right down as i went past and NEITHER of them aknowledged my presence. I stopped the car and wound down my window and the conversation went something like this

Me: Excuse me, would it hurt for you to say thank you when a car slows down for you,

Rider 1: I beg your pardon

Me: I slowed down for you and you did not even have the common courtesy to nod and smile, it takes no time and minimal effort and makes the world of difference to drivers.

Rider 1: You must be a very sad person to .............(i did not let him finish!!)

Me: No i am a rider who is angry at the way horses are perceived as a nuisance on the road which is not helped by the fact of ignorant horse riders who cant even be bothered to nod their heads when people slow down for them!

Really it makes me mad, when i used to teach i always got the kids to say thank you when we were riding out, we all have to share this world together and a few manners go a long way.


Well-Known Member
14 May 2010
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You were absolutely right to correct them. We can do a lot to help our cause with drivers just by smiling and thanking - which is really not much effort on our part.


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5 September 2005
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I agree - this really annoys me, a nod would be fine (appreciating not everyone can always take their hands off the reins, or smile!).


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
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Last time I didn't say thank you or even had a chance to acknowledge I'd been a pain to a driver I felt really guilty (horse was being a prat because I'd stupidly hadn't put my phone on silent and it rang, ringing mobiles are horse eating monsters apparently.....doh!), manners cost nothing!


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4 January 2007
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I had this the other day, 4.30pm and a lady and child riding in the semi dark with no hi-vis. I stopped and offered her a tabard I had in the car and got a snooty reply


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19 January 2011
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I love drivers who take the effort to be kind to me (Indy freaks enough so it can sometimes take time to get her off the road). I always smile and wave. Being nice costs nothing and the driver is taking time to ensure safety.


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1 July 2009
South Gloucestershire
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Good on you!

I always make sure I thank people who are driving, even if I am the one to pull into a passing place.
Because I am head to toe in yellow I'm sure people recognise me as the "yellow lady and horse that wears a hat" so always pass slow/wide as they know I will thank them.

It only takes a few inconsiderate riders to ruin it for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
21 December 2010
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And some are bloody dangerous, which gives us all a bad name, on the way to tesco after the yard last night, it was dark about 6pm, the road near us has a national speed limit on it so its a fast road, I was driving down hill and the riders coming up hill on the opposite side of the road to me. Two were wearing nice bright pink vizys and the other one nothing but dark clothing, the pink vizy two were riding side by side and the non vizy was behind them and about 3 cars behind her, When I saw them I slowed down and it was a bloomin good job I did, as seconds later the girl behind over took the others and started riding up the road towards me in trot, so I had the brake hard and they all followed her across my side of the road into the lane, well I couldn’t believe it. If I was one of these drivers that don’t slow down for horses when they are on the other side of the road we would of hit her head on, if her horse wasn’t coloured I would of seen her later and I dread to think what would of happened.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2010
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Totally agree - manners cost nothing, - in fact - they have no option, as I ride very close to the white line and then when I see them slow down I leg yield quickly across to tuck myself into the hedge. My reasoning is that even though I wear a hi-viz fleece, it gives the motorist a sporting chance of seeing me when riding in the lanes, it also saves me from (as has happened many times) been squashed into the hedge by a car overtaking me and another one coming towards. Am sure the BHS would not approve with riding out on the white line but unfortunately modern roads dictate a different way of riding as opposed to 30 odd years ago, at least when they are confronted by a large bottom :eek: (my horses) they have no option but to slow down.


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17 September 2009
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i used to ride out with someone (who was always behind me) and everytime a car went past i'd see the passenger (whether it be an aged person or a child) sticking their thumb up at me, it used to make me laugh until i was told why...........the person i rode out with would do a big cheesy grin and stick their thumb up in a really happy way, for some reason the passengers/car drivers would always be happy when passing and would stick the thumb up too.
i haven't had the guts to do it myself, i wouldn't want people thinking i was sticking another finger up but he always did it and it worked.

good on you for telling them though, good manners cost nothing and it wouldn't take any time out of their day to nod, smile or raise a hand.

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Don't get me started on horse riders on the road, the majority around by us look like they'd rather spit at a car than say thank you. Generally the only ones who thank you for slowing down are riders you already know! Mostly they ignore you, even if you are on a single track road and you pull over and stop for them.

I get mad because cyclists get such a bad press on here yet I have come across more rude horse riders than cyclists. I cycle as well as ride a horse - last Autumn I was out with my Dad and we came across a couple of horses. They were taking up the entire road (which was wide enough for 2 cars), slopping along chatting and having a cigarette. One rider was telling off some walkers because their dog barked. We rung bells on the bikes, called to them and eventually gave up trying to get either of them to acknowledge us... when we got closer to them, the one who'd yelled at the walkers started yelling at us....did we have any idea how frightened of bikes her horse was, how dare we ride up behind them silently (which was far from what we did - if she'd stopped yelling at the walkers and gossiping to her mate, she might have heard us) blah blah blah. I wanted to tell her that if she'd actually been taking notice of what was going on around her, she might have noticed us but we just waved and rode off.

It seems to me that car drivers, motorbikes and cyclists are expected to be courteous and polite to horses at all times yet horse riders mostly seem to believe they have licence to behave badly on the roads and blame it on their spooky horse. Drives me mad.


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8 June 2008
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I have had similar said to me and was not impressed. I did not take my hands off the reins to signal thanks as I was having a (rare) problem, but my horse did not leave the verge and did not cause an obstruction.

I NODDED to say thanks but apprently you can't see that in a rear veiw mirror. Driver then told me only a bombproof pony should be on the road and did my mother know I ride out on the road by myself on that nutcase?

Beau was offended, as she was only spooked by a carload of chavs throwing a beer can out of the window and is normally impeccable on the road. I told him this and added that at 29 (as I was then) it is nothing to do with my mother. I pointed out we had not left the verge and I had nodded so that I could keep my hands on the reins. He wasn't having it.

We also got told off for riding on a very quiet road 2 abreast Icey's 1st ever hack on the road. Icey was on the verge and Alex was using Beau as a buffer by the edge of the road to keep her safe. High Vis, hat and BP each. Told her why we were riding like that and pointed out that if we went single file we would both be on the road and take up no less space and requested that they keep going as kerb crawling next to us near blind bends was likely to cause an accident.

Riders like this do cause a bad perception of us but if you say anything, they just get annoyed and are more likely to mess about if they see your car again.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2006
New Forest
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Well done you for saying something. I've often thought it, but never actually gone and done it...

It was a pleasure to pass a rider this morning in hi viz who acknowledged my efforts with a smile as I passed wide and slow. It so rarely happens to me when I'm driving, I feel I must be the almost the only rider in these parts who thanks drivers for slowing down...

With all this talk on the tele at the moment of a few kind acts a day, maybe we should stop more often and kindly point out to these errant riders that a smile costs nothing and goes a long way...


Well-Known Member
27 May 2007
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I slowed down once & stopped the traffic for a horse & rider, she stared at me sullenly, so I opened the window & pointed out that I had slowed down & held up the traffic for her, her response was to call me a bitch. I often pass a family of three out hacking, the most rude miserable people I have ever met, they stare stonily ahead & never acknowldege a slowing vehicle. This is why horse riders get such a bad name.


Well-Known Member
16 September 2010
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Absolutely makes me fume! I always say thanks, and my horse is generally sensible enough for me to take hand off the reins. It's not hard to acknowledge someone for slowing down. I was always taught to say thanks as a child and have felt guilty on the odd occassion where it's not been possible.

We are quick enough to react to the bad, incosiderate drivers who don't slow down and should be quick to say thanks to those that do take us in to consideration and slow down, move over....

I haven't ever stopped anyone who didn't say thanks to me, but i think i will do in future. As you can probably tell, it is one of my bug bears!!!!!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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This annoys me a lot. I don't like it when drivers don't slow down, but then if they slow down once and don;t get acknowledged then maybe they won't bother next time?

On the plus side, I was recently riding my elderly but hyperactive horse through the village - we have moved a few months ago and he had never been this way before. He is good in traffic but was finding it all very exciting and was jogging along, head up ears pricked (completely unaware that he is 29.....) a car was coming towards me and I was in the middle of the road (there were cars parked both sides outside the local shop etc) I didn;t really want to have to try to get him to stand in between parked cars, The car coming the other way stopped and waved me on, i jogged and jiffled along and waved and smiled my thanks. The lady driver would her window down and said 'your horse seems to be enjoying himself, he's smiling!'

Which made my day!


Well-Known Member
8 June 2008
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I think as riders we have a tendancy to be like ex smokers, a bit pedantic! Where I live now people slow down and I do thank them, but it is actually frightening for my horse to be followed at 5 miles an hour for 500 meters on a clear road, yet this seems to be the standard. People do not pull out and pass me, they crawl along a couple of feet from her tail and wait for me to get in a gateway or something and wave them past. No I am not messing about or taking up the road, am usually on the verge. Not always hi vis'd up but horse has white bum and I hack in broad daylight only.

But as annoying and inconvenient as it is, I recognise that these people are trying to be considerate, wave them past and thank them. The ones that do not slow down at all, I do not thank. I don't call them names or do rude gestures but I do not thank them.

I once got passed at great speed by a chav mobile 3 times on a hack, (the ones who threw the beer can at Beau). The 2nd time I asked Beau to do one of her little rears (on the verge and totally safe, she goes a little way up, comes down and that's it). The third time, they passed me slowly!!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2006
Worcs/Shrops border
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Drives me mad too, manners cost nothing, well done for saying something.

I automatically thank drivers - in fact I end up thanking the ones who speed past me before I realised what I've done!


Well-Known Member
22 August 2010
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As a horse rider and a driver, it really annoys me when riders don't say thanks. People are not going to keep slowing down if they don't get acknowledged. Bravo you for giving them what for. I wish I was brave enough! I find its only when your a driver you realise how annoying some rider habits are. Plus you really notice how well hi-viz works. Even a grey horse can become invisible on a sunny day if the rider is not wearing high-viz.

And now for the other side of the coin...annoying drivers! We are very fortunate where we keep our horses as we literally have to cross the road from our gate and we are on farm land. On the way back we have to ride about 20m on the road back to our gate. A few weeks ago we were just near our gate and I could hear a car coming from behind. I signalled, held my arm there, then pointed out to the rider in front that I didn't think he was going to stop. Even though we were blatently just about to turn (we were nearer the middle of the road, standing still!) he decided to over take, with a car on the other side of the road too. What a *****. Lucky our horses were good and stood still.

I was also out riding with my friends 4yr old (horse, not child!). I was on her very sensible old pony. It was all very quiet lanes and her horse still hadn't quite figured out what the deal with cars was. On the way back to the yard some **** in a 4x4 behind us he decided he didn't need to slow down as he could overtake at speed with 2 wheels on the road and 2 on the verge! My friends horse promptly spun round and round with my friend yelling some profanities. Hopefully he learnt his lesson in impatience, and thankfully both horse and rider didn't get injured :)