Impar Ligament/de-nerving ...


Well-Known Member
17 April 2016
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Hi Guys after lots of vets visits my big lad has been diagnosed from an mri with slight damage to his impar ligament. we originally thought it was navicular related and he had his bursa injected which made very little difference. The plan from the vets seemed positive he now has some super dooper spider bar shoes and is being brought back into work. The vet is confident I will see a massive difference within 6 weeks, If he's no better the next stage would be to de nerve him. I obviously want to do as much research into this as possible, the vet in question has had lots of success with this procedure and filled me with confidence that we could still do a job, but the more I think about him not being able to feel his feet the more cautious im feeling... Any personal experiences?


Well-Known Member
24 August 2020
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I know a horse who had this procedure done a few years back now, was an affiliated SJ.

She's a lot older but he isn't 100% sound. She's had no investigation as he's on a loan and neither party want's to take if further. Of course it might be lame from something other than the original problem. But I do believe nerves can grow back and it says on google within 2-5 years possibly.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2009
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A few years ago I sold a horse who ended up lame not impar ligament . They had the horse in spider shoes which didn't work so had him denerved it didn't work and the horse went thru hell eventually being pts . This was all on their vets recommendations . This was a horse I had from a weanling but sold him at 6 as he grew too big for me but always kept in touch with new owners the whole scenario was beyond awful