In or out for abscess?


Well-Known Member
9 January 2015
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As title. Are they better in our out with an abscess? Poulticed and covered? He normally lives out but I can bring him in if needs be. It’s been a few years since I’ve dealt with one

Bob notacob

Well-Known Member
15 February 2018
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Alternatives , Stand in and reduce circulation in the hoof (frog pressure) or wander out , risk wrappings coming off and contact fresh mud . Option A favours the nasty anaerobic bacteria. Option B ,worst case exposes the abscess to a mud poultice with added aerobic bacteria. PS a Kaolin poultice is just a mud poultice with a sales gimmick. You are damned if you do and damned if you dont. My money is on keep the blood flowing in the hoof. Typically an abscess forms some 7 days after a bruise to the sole ,eg stepping on a stone) A sort of blood blister forms at the bruise site .It contains stagnant blood and contains a certain amount of bacteria. In the anaerobic conditions of the blister these multiply exponentially ,and after about 7 days result in an abscess. The old (and not so daft )books recommended draining the initial bruised sole .Old horsemen/women were rather better at spotting these things . Inserting copper sulphate crystals into the drain site and preventing the abscess formation.