In the event of your death...

Jill Crewe

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I know who my horse would go to if I died or became unable to look after him myself. Even if that person could not look after him until the end of his days I know they would be happy to take him on and deal with selling him on if necessary.

But is it enough to tell my closest family/friends/yard owner.. does it need to be made official somewhere (a will?)

What measures have people got in place just incas e, heaven forbid, the situation occurred?

Spring Feather

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Most of my horses are farm owned so if anything happened to me they'd be sold as part of my estate. A few of them are personally owned by me and they would either be sold or given to friends or family.

In your case I'd have it written into your will that this person will get your horse and however much money you bequeath them to keep the horse.

Polos Mum

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Both mine would be pts - they're old with issues and my OH would have bigger things to worry about than spending the time it would take to find them the right home.

I have debated giving them to a charity along with £10k each to fund their care but honestly I think my OH would need the cash for our kids.

OP - yep worth putting in a will so it's official next of kin can do funny things after a death and they might find it difficult to give away something valuable.

Fools Motto

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If I popped my clogs tonight, then my mum would look after mine. However, we have always talked about 'if we can't have them anymore' then my mare would be pts by the hunt, and the pony sold. My best friend would deal with it if my mother couldn't. Mare is too set in her ways to go to another home, and it wouldn't be fair on anyone, or herself. I don't have anything written on paper to suggest this, but plenty of family and friends know.


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The ONLY way to be sure about what happens, is to make a will. As a precaution, our horses are in joint names, myself and daughter so unless we were very unlucky and died together, they automatically go to the survivor. Also, in my will is stated that they are to be passed to my daughter. I haven't put a clause in beyond her, because I sincerely hope she outlives me.

Spring Feather

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I don't have a will as I don't have anything of any value (except for the hoss!) Was just wondering whether it was worth getting one in place solely to ensure that he is okay.
Yes it is worth doing. If all you want in your will right now is the horse then the lawyer will write that up. There are no rights and no wrongs about what you put in a will and you don't need to have oodles of cash and property to do one. Wills are for everyone to simply say what they want happening to anything in their ownership should they pop their clogs :smile3:

Jill Crewe

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Yes it is worth doing. If all you want in your will right now is the horse then the lawyer will write that up. There are no rights and no wrongs about what you put in a will and you don't need to have oodles of cash and property to do one. Wills are for everyone to simply say what they want happening to anything in their ownership should they pop their clogs :smile3:

That's great thank you - I will look into it. Just be nice to have peace of mind :)


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3 March 2012
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My OH my YO and my best friend, who is the one who would make sure my request was carried out, all know mine would be pts. They are middle aged and there are enough horses looking for homes, mine do not need to be added to the list.

Leo Walker

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You also need to think about what would happen in the event of a serious injury! I came off a friends horse and fractured my spine, a month in ICU and 6 months smacked off my face on morphine, living off SSP and barely able to walk. I was lucky in that mine lived out in a field I share with a friend, and I rehomed all but one. I also managed to palm the dogs off on friends. The stress and worry was horrific and if I hadnt been so totally off my face I think I'd have had a nervous breakdown with the worry!


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My old mare would be cared for at the current yard by a friend or pts if OH could no longer afford her costs. She's well into her 20's now so wont be sold.

Jasper is intended for my daughter so hopefully OH would be able to keep him if not he's to given to my friend to keep him or rehome him as she see's fit. I don't have a will as such but it is in writing and my parents and OH have copies along with out intentions for my daughter should something happen to both of us


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28 March 2011
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I have a list of people who would help my OH or my brother if my OH and I both die at the same time who will help them sort the horses I have at the time.
These are people I trust who would understand what I would want for my horses .
I have a letter which I update now and again on my thoughts about each horse my brother knows where it is .
There's is money left in the will ( quite a lot ) which would allow someone to have help keeping a horse if they where the best person and needed it.
This may seem a bit OTT but I what it to be as little stress as possible for my non horsey brother if the worse happens.


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my husband has a list of people who can help look after (say if I was in hospital) or help rehome each of the type of animals and birds we have


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29 December 2011
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We have recently made wills. Like many, we thought we didn't have anything of value, but we still have something, so even if it's only a fiver to your favourite charity it's always better to get it on paper and properly signed and witnessed.

Anyway, with regard to my horse, I've decided not to have another one after this one so he's my last and only one. He used to belong to the family of a good friend so (with her full knowledge and consent) I have bequeathed him back to her. Currently he's still young (ish) fit and active, but whatever stage of his life he's at when I turn up my toes, I know that my friend will act with his very best interests at heart. So he'll be rehomed appropriately or PTS at that time.


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As im currently on the otherside of the world From my animals i made a will that takes care of my animals and house.

I've left my girl to a good friend who s happy to keep her forever. I know she will look after her, she has always liked her so was quite thrilled I'd asked her to be her forever mum once I'd gone.

It's so important to include them especially if you are alone or have a non horsey partner. Even having someone knowledgeable to sell your horse on to a good home is better than leaving it to chance.


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This is something which I have been thinking myself of late. I have yet to reach a decision but my girl with either be given to an extremely trusted friend who I know can handle and care for my mare as I would wish (yet to be decided). Either that or if nobody I trust is going to be in a position to, then she will be pts.


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1 October 2005
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This is something which I have been thinking myself of late. I have yet to reach a decision but my girl with either be given to an extremely trusted friend who I know can handle and care for my mare as I would wish (yet to be decided). Either that or if nobody I trust is going to be in a position to, then she will be pts.

I've asked that my cat be PTS as he is very shy and unsociable, that is if they can even catch him. He's a really lovely cat but the moment he hears a knock at the door or an unfamiliar voice he's gone, he'll hide for hours.

He'd never settle in a new home


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Make sure that you discuss your requests with the person that you want to look after the horse, before you include that in your will. They may not want the responsibility. Then be specific in your will so there is no confusion. Then take out an insurance to cover the animal's costs during it's life (so far as you can estimate). I personally feel that it's a bit unfair to ask someone to shoulder the responsibility and the costs.

I've done this for our horses, and other animals.


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1 October 2005
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Make sure that you discuss your requests with the person that you want to look after the horse, before you include that in your will. They may not want the responsibility. Then be specific in your will so there is no confusion. Then take out an insurance to cover the animal's costs during it's life (so far as you can estimate). I personally feel that it's a bit unfair to ask someone to shoulder the responsibility and the costs.

I've done this for our horses, and other animals.

My friend was more than happy to take on my horse, she loves her and will carry on breeding sport horses from her, so she will also be earning her keep.


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19 December 2007
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My will states in event of my death, my husband gets the lot.

In event of his death and then my death, my horses, trailer, horse equipment and £X of today's money at whatever it's worth in the future, goes to my friend, who is entrusted to rehome, resell, keep, put to sleep, as she wishes, and do with the income whatever she wishes.


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16 February 2009
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The mothership knows she'd get my mare :D
On the plus side, if she kept pony where she currently is it would involve very little work as she can live out even in winter.


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My will was made some years ago when my oap was worth something and desirable to some undeseriables. So rather than burden my non horsey family with a list of those who could not have him I put a guardianship in my will which states that a good friend of mine would overseen his sale, rather than bequeath him to someone who perhaps may not want to have him or afford to keep him. That still stands although at 26 he is now less desirable ;)
Except to me of course.