Increased effort in breathing


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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A few weeks ago noticed small amount of increased effort in breathing , tpr was fine and no increased rate of respiratory, horse clincially fine , no
Other symtpms, vet seen and examined chest fine poss caught a chill but no concerns

whetaher was cold at the time then went very mild ,

fast forwadd a couple of weeks to this week been fine no signs of any cocnerns, vet out to do teeth and routine check , normal vet who knows him sees him , again noticed minimal effort and hes on ventepulmin for a week just to see if this helps , no other clinical signs at all and resp rate dows never change or increase bomcoughing or nasal diachRhe

the only trigger is the wheatjer ?


Well-Known Member
6 January 2019
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What is his respiratory rate? My gelding with equine asthma had completely clear lungs to listen to, no nasal discharge or cough for quite a while. Hence it was thought to be mild colic or distress at first. Oral ventipulmin did nothing for mine so wouldn’t necessarily rule out asthma if the ventipulmin doesn’t fix it.
What’s his general environment like - bedding, hay etc? Has he been in more because of the snow?
It could be he’s in pain somewhere and the increased breathing rate is a stress response but perhaps not if he’s otherwise happy and healthy.


Well-Known Member
14 January 2018
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When the weather is cold it has the same inflammation impact on airways as asthma, albeit without mucus. That's why strenuous work in the cold damages horse airways, and it only needs to be about 5 degrees and at a canter for damage to occur.

Given that it's been so cold then mild, it could be that his airways are dried and therefore inflamed, hence difficulty breathing.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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Resp rate sitting at 12 and no
Other signs , On straw and hay beem
On this all his life , And in light airy stable , hes now nearly 20 but in full work and eventing fit ore lockdown
Just seems odd when wheather was mild he’s breathing was fine but as soo. As cold changed, turned out all day 8/10 hours