Injuries & Summer sores


8 December 2020
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That sounds too small. Can you increase her hay/forage intake a lot.

From an article:
“Now to the important question: How much nutrition can be derived from pasture? First, a few nutritional basics. Mature horses generally consume 2-2.5% of their body weight in feed each day (on a dry matter, DM, basis). For example, a 1,000-pound (454-kg) horse fed hay plus grain concentrate (feeds that are about 90% DM) should consume about 20-25 pounds (9.1-11.3 kg) of feed daily.”

What height is your horse? (measured to the withers - the highest point at her shoulders when she has her head down to graze)
Okay, I'll increase her intake of hay. Her height at withers is about 155 cm


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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That could very well be the overall issue preventing healing. Not helped by her hooves being so long. Have you a set of brushing or fetlock boots that you can use?


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24 February 2010
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From the size / resolution of the photos (or possibly my eyesight) I'm finding it difficult to see well enough to be certain whether they are proud flesh as @ester suggested or sarcoids or something else. Definitely think a decent vet should be able to diagnose and treat.

You mentioned she does not eat all her feed up - if you split her ration up into smaller but more frequently feeds she might eat it up better. (Horses are what's known as "trickle feeders" - they are evolved to steadily graze throughout the day rather than having one or 2 big meals)

So from her size and as you are trying to put weight on her, as a start try and increase her feed up to 9 kg per day split into 3 or 4 feeds per day
Last edited:


8 December 2020
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From the size / resolution of the photos (or possibly my eyesight) I'm finding it difficult to see well enough to be certain whether they are proud flesh as @ester suggested or sarcoids or something else. Definitely think a decent vet should be able to diagnose and treat.

You mentioned she does not eat all her feed up - if you split her ration up into smaller but more frequently feeds she might eat it up better. (Horses are what's known as "trickle feeders" - they are evolved to steadily graze throughout the day rather than having one or 2 big meals)
Okay, I'll search for a new vet. And I'll divide her ration to see the result. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
24 February 2010
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In that last photo she looks in much condition than I was expecting from how much you said she was eating.

Well done for trying to do the best for your mare. Please keep us updated as to the progress with her wounds.


8 December 2020
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It's definitely helpful to see the rest of her for added context :)

Just pondering whether you might have more of a fly issue too than we would have here?
In the summer, we suffer a lot from flies. So, we use chemical products once a week to repel them. However, they do not go away.


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24 February 2010
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I see, that makes it harder if she licks off everything you apply. So you said you tried covering with a bandage / sock but she pulled them off too?. I wonder why she keeps licking at them. Are the wounds hot to the touch?


8 December 2020
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I see, that makes it harder if she licks off everything you apply. So you said you tried covering with a bandage / sock but she pulled them off too?. I wonder why she keeps licking at them. Are the wounds hot to the touch?

Yes, it was hard for me to apply the medicament every time she licks. So, I've made for her a neck cradle from wood (we don't have it here), but it was heavy to her. However, I was holding her all day long to stop her from licking it, but at night she starts licking and biting the wounds.
Actual, she keeps licking them because of the flies and I can't do anything about it, because are everywhere.


Well-Known Member
24 February 2010
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The treatments you have used are perfectly good treatments for a “normal” wound but maybe there is something undiagnosed eg sarcoid /proud flesh.
I think the only way you can progress is to get a vet to diagnose. If the vets you have seen already can’t help could you find another specialist vet and email some very clear , close-up photos to them? Hopefully the vet can also help with keeping the wounds covered.

My initial posts focused more on her general health/weight as the feed amounts you gave didn’t seem right for her size but from your photos she looks well so don’t get too concerned . I’d still recommend smaller more frequent feeds and high proportion of forage.

Good luck and keep us updated


8 December 2020
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The treatments you have used are perfectly good treatments for a “normal” wound but maybe there is something undiagnosed eg sarcoid /proud flesh.
I think the only way you can progress is to get a vet to diagnose. If the vets you have seen already can’t help could you find another specialist vet and email some very clear , close-up photos to them? Hopefully the vet can also help with keeping the wounds covered.

My initial posts focused more on her general health/weight as the feed amounts you gave didn’t seem right for her size but from your photos she looks well so don’t get too concerned . I’d still recommend smaller more frequent feeds and high proportion of forage.

Good luck and keep us updated
Okay, I'll do as you said. Thank you