Injury/abscess coronet band


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9 January 2015
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Just haying the youngsters this morning and noticed my gelding had quite a bit of blood on his front hoof. He’s very hairy but on further investigation he seems to have a sizeable chunk missing from his hoof/coronet band. It’s right on the corner. There is a flap of hoof/skin that is still attached and it’s obviously bled a bit. Not sure if he’s caught it on something (barefoot and living out) or whether it’s a abscess that has burst? He wasn’t lame previously that I’d noticed and certainly isn’t today and doesn’t seem bothered by it. Vet job or just clean up and see how it goes?
28 February 2011
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Just an over reach, clean it with warm salt water and use purple spray if you have it or ask the vet for some blue spray - I can't remember what it is called but is usually used for treating cattle and sheep hooves.

ETA - Teramycin is what the good blue spray is called.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2015
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Yes plenty of stuff I can clean it with. Will the flap reattach? Or come off. If it came off he’d be left with quite a large chunk missing.
28 February 2011
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It will come off in its own time. It's hoof and skin and it will grow back, quite quickly in a youngster. I would clean it twice a day - don't use hibiscrub or the likes as that is more for initial cleaning and assessing of wounds to make sure it is super clean, after tat it actually does more harm than good and will impede the healing process. So warm salt water is always best. It should heal and not be a bother. If you are worried get your farrier/vet to check it.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2015
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It will come off in its own time. It's hoof and skin and it will grow back, quite quickly in a youngster. I would clean it twice a day - don't use hibiscrub or the likes as that is more for initial cleaning and assessing of wounds to make sure it is super clean, after tat it actually does more harm than good and will impede the healing process. So warm salt water is always best. It should heal and not be a bother. If you are worried get your farrier/vet to check it.

thank you. He certainly isn’t bothered by it at all and they were prancing around this morning no problem so can’t be that bad. At least it’s bone dry outside so no mud etc x