Inspired by the other thread - 2021 plans for dogs?!


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14 April 2011
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A very quiet afternoon at work had me reading through the 2020/2021 thread in the Tack Room and I thought it might be nice to do one for the dogs and might help keep me motivated!

Kicking off!

Miss Collie
  • To get our KC Bronze Obedience and start work towards Silver
  • Carry on working towards beating our chase drive issues and hopefully be able at least be able to take part in flyball full team training, even if she's not competition ready!
  • Restart agility training with eye to making debut in 2022. We did some 1-2-1 training during the summer and it highlighted a few gaps in our basic training so we've gone back to that for now and hopefully be in a better position for restarting who knows when
  • Continue work around the horses.
  • Work out what's happening with her hormones and get her spayed at some point!
  • Carry on with work to make her more comfortable around strangers/different environments
Mrs Spaniel
  • Find a new agility trainer - our 1-2-1 classes showed that she definitely prefers distance handling and gets less frustrated at having to wait for me so that's something to retrain for
  • I'd quite like her to go into Grade 2 Agility but everything is so dependent on covid and in her eyes flyball comes first so that takes up most of our summer!
  • We've retrained our boxwork at home over lockdown, i'm hoping it shows in improved racing times at flyball
  • Always the target - conquer our last dog fears and be more confident if there is a rerun and not run out!
Anyone else want to join in? Goals for working dogs/sport dogs/pet dogs? Plans to introduce new furry family members next year?


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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For the first time in about 12 years....NOTHING ??? no stress, no early mornings and late nights, no ridonkulous road trips.

Just need the pup's x-rays done in the summer and in no rush to do anything else. She's getting the foundations put into her in tracking and obedience and won't be thinking about sleeve work for a long time, she has it all genetically.
Happy to be stepping off the hamster wheel, the boys achieved more than I could ever have imagined so if I don't end up competing with this one, it's no biggie, I'm just enjoying seeing if I'm still any cop as a trainer ?


9 July 2012
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Goals for 2021:

(1) not to adopt any more dogs

(2) not to buy any more puppies

That’s about it really ?

In all seriousness, I’ll keep working on Millie’s behaviour. I’ve let her scent work drop over winter, that’s not good.

I’ll be introducing Casper to the household (I very much hope!) - and if not him, then another rescue greyhound boy

And I’ll need to keep a lid on Colin! I’ll see how things evolve there.....I might need to go into scent work/agility to keep him occupied, he is incredibly active at the moment but of course he is only a baby so I’d expect that ? I’m not sure how much brain work v exercise he will need yet ?

Oh and Squee terrier (George) and I need to go on a flipping diet so that’s an aim for the new year - I hate fat dogs lol, I’ve never had a fat dog, what has gone wrong with George???!!! ??

Silly little amateur goals of course but all part of enjoying my dogs ?


20 March 2007
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So much of this is dependent on whether the summer agility show season can go ahead but I'd love for the schiplet to win up a grade. He was ready and old enough by a matter of days to make his debut back in the spring... the week of lockdown #1. ? He has been such good fun to train over the last few months and is completely exceeding my expectations.

As a handler I need to get fitter and also to stop 'feeding the giraffe' ?

Less bothered about showing now he's old enough to compete in agility but he's matured a lot in the last year so I'd like to do a few outings to see what he's made of himself. Depending if/how they cap entries he might get a day out at whatever version of Crufts is able to go ahead.

I had vague plans involving herding ducks but I think it might be a bit of a leap!

Big dogs don't owe me a thing and are enjoying a pampered retirement of sleeping, eating and (apparently, this evening) farting. I've normally spent at least two or three weekends in a tent under a pile of huskies by this time of year and I do miss it, if not the kit washing afterwards.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2017
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Don’t acquire anymore. Especially not another corgi.

Not to kill current corgi.

Find a more mutually effective way of grooming my eldest rough collie (now ten and with a huge coat)

Keep the blue one sane.

Stay sane myself.

Not buy another corgi.

or a whippet, Tibetan spaniel or Sealyham.

not buy another corgi.



9 July 2012
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Don’t acquire anymore. Especially not another corgi.

Not to kill current corgi.

Find a more mutually effective way of grooming my eldest rough collie (now ten and with a huge coat)

Keep the blue one sane.

Stay sane myself.

Not buy another corgi.

or a whippet, Tibetan spaniel or Sealyham.

not buy another corgi.


Well I think personally that you should get another corgi AND a whippet (because I adore them) AND a Sealyham (ditto!)

Of course I do realise how totally unhelpful that is :p


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6 November 2008
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Older collie - a clear round in agility and to reach level 4 in rally. He's the most beautiful, most wilful dog I've owned but I think I've finally found a compromise where he does what I want but thinks it's his idea.

Younger collie (rescue) - keep his brain going in the good direction it currently is and hopefully make his debut at agility. He's making big steps in the right direction now (in agility and life!) and I really want him to have the confidence to be the dog he could be.

Hubby's dogs - cheer as the collie/kelpie wins out of grade 1 in agility and then keeps going up, then again as the spangle makes his debut and will be awesome ?

But if we don't get to do any of that then so long as they're happy and healthy it'll do me.


Well-Known Member
12 January 2017
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Well I think personally that you should get another corgi AND a whippet (because I adore them) AND a Sealyham (ditto!)

Of course I do realise how totally unhelpful that is :p
I do regret not having a pup from the recent repeat mating behind this one. Timing wasn’t right but it was dam’s second and final litter. I don’t think I’ll take a litter from Sherman tank further down the line (purely down to capacity with work) as I had planned in order to have something back so feel I missed the chance there.
Alas, the fates!

+R Fanatic

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14 December 2020
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I have sheep dog pup that is currently a few weeks old (homebred). I am hoping to train it and hopefully sell within the next 18 months so I would like to get it going round the sheep nicely and perhaps some nursery trails later on in the year!


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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Great thread!

I'd like to get Juno out to some proper agility competitions, and not make total tits of ourselves ?
Am hoping to get some jumps and maybe a tunnel and some weaves set up at my yard so I can do training with her more than once a week as it's just not enough to improve.

I think we also need to find another dog but what I don't know, really we're waiting for the right dog to find us. Keep waivering between another collie or a terrier, I don't think we could get another Westie although you never know.

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
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I am just hoping that with vaccinations life can get back to nearer normal and our dog club reopen. Would really love to go to some normal agility shows. I can't summon up any enthusiasm for the current covid compliant ones and none very close anyway. We should have had 5 within 4 miles of us this year including our own club show plus others within 20 miles and of course none happened.


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26 May 2008
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I'm keeping everything crossed for comps to restart next year but I don't hold out much hope.

  1. Keep her fit and sound
  2. Rebuild her confidence with change overs
  3. Get her back out with her team and start building ourselves back up. We have 2 new dogs so lots of team building needed before we can be competitive
  1. Get him to train at flyball training instead on one run then zooming
  2. Get him out at some starters racing
  3. Try and get him into his first open by the end of the year
  4. Get to our first fun agility competition
  5. Keep building on his freestyle disc and look to build a simple routine
  6. Get to a point where he is able to concentrate around other dogs
  1. Keep up with our bonding/walk work so we can look to have her off lead around other dogs without going across.
  2. Keep working on her flyball and try and get her to engage with a box loader who isn't her dad
  3. Try our first starter competition


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I do really feel for people with middle aged or older competition dogs for whom 2020 was probably their last year.

I don't think C19 is going to be sorted for a long time yet and if Brexit impacts animal movements for those who aimed to compete at European or world level, those people are going to end up finding other things to do with their time.

Between all that and various kennel and breed clubs over-complicating administration, adding layers of unnecessary bureaucracy and ramping up the politicking/making things less inclusive, it's been a bit of a perfect storm.
Instead of attracting new members and creating a welcoming environment, the attitude is such that a lot of people will be thinking 'sod this, I'm off'.


Well-Known Member
26 May 2008
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  1. Keep up with our bonding/walk work so we can look to have her off lead around other dogs without going across.
  2. Keep working on her flyball and try and get her to engage with a box loader who isn't her dad
  3. Try our first starter competition
I forgot teach her how to catch a disc rather than chase rollers!

Errin Paddywack

Well-Known Member
20 June 2019
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I do really feel for people with middle aged or older competition dogs for whom 2020 was probably their last year.
This is me. My oldest dog is now nine and a half and this would have been her last year at full height. My youngster is three and a half and still very much work in progress. I can't really see anything getting back to normal till 2022 and not sure how up for it I will be by then. I need some motivation but don't know where to get it from.


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31 March 2009
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Cocker - to continue his training and rein him in a bit after a season in the beating line he's gone quite wild!!

Springer - introduce to Game and train steadiness ready to come out for a season picking up/beating, small friendly shoot so we just do whatever is needed! Also aiming for a working test in the spring - I'm not brave enough for a field trial!!!


Well-Known Member
21 July 2016
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Goals for 2021:

(1) not to adopt any more dogs

(2) not to buy any more puppies

That’s about it really ?

In all seriousness, I’ll keep working on Millie’s behaviour. I’ve let her scent work drop over winter, that’s not good.

I’ll be introducing Casper to the household (I very much hope!) - and if not him, then another rescue greyhound boy

And I’ll need to keep a lid on Colin! I’ll see how things evolve there.....I might need to go into scent work/agility to keep him occupied, he is incredibly active at the moment but of course he is only a baby so I’d expect that ? I’m not sure how much brain work v exercise he will need yet ?

Oh and Squee terrier (George) and I need to go on a flipping diet so that’s an aim for the new year - I hate fat dogs lol, I’ve never had a fat dog, what has gone wrong with George???!!! ??

Silly little amateur goals of course but all part of enjoying my dogs ?

*ahem* GEORGE! as we all know is perfect if a little portly. ???


9 July 2012
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Oh I’ve had a timely reminder of another goal! To teach young Colin to sit still to have his nails trimmed ?

At the moment we are practising every single evening, cutting one or two nails. The cutters have a guard on them so I only take a tiny amount off each time, it takes a lifetime....sorry about 20 minutes each time.... at the moment to hold down a squirming resisting puppy!

lots and lots of hugs and praise when it is done, I’m hoping he will get the message that it’s painless and really quick if only he would sit still for a second or two! (which isn’t something that comes naturally to him ?)


9 July 2012
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I’ve yet to meet a JRT that liked or tolerated their nails being done. Do you do GEORGE!? ?

George self regulates reasonably well with his nails - they are longer than I’d like, but not long enough to have a fight over like Colin’s ? I only clip George’s dew claws regularly, and he lets me do those fairly easily - after we have the stern ‘will you stop messing around now George and SIT STILL’ conversation ?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2020
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Great thread. Can join in with this one more than the horse one!
5yo BC- continue on path to hopefully win agility and jumping dog of the year, finish AgCh. She has not been an easy BC to train as she's very dog reactive.
2yo BC x - continue having a ball training and trialling, running her little legs off. Get to masters.
Sadly I am one of the (many) people affected with an older dog- lost my 9yo BCs last year. She is my heart dog and it's been quite a loss :(


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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Great thread. Can join in with this one more than the horse one!
5yo BC- continue on path to hopefully win agility and jumping dog of the year, finish AgCh. She has not been an easy BC to train as she's very dog reactive.
2yo BC x - continue having a ball training and trialling, running her little legs off. Get to masters.
Sadly I am one of the (many) people affected with an older dog- lost my 9yo BCs last year. She is my heart dog and it's been quite a loss :(
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Can we get some collie pictures please? Maybe we should start a collie picture thread as quite a few on here have collies and I didn't realise there were so many lurking around.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2020
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I'm so sorry for your loss.
Can we get some collie pictures please? Maybe we should start a collie picture thread as quite a few on here have collies and I didn't realise there were so many lurking around.
Sure! Here is the BC X
The red bitch is my heart dog, and the mother of the black BC. Horrendously, we lost the brown X bred from a 1080 bait on our property (worst night of my life).


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Football is back and they're digging up the estate next door so I've finally got to get some distraction work done around balls flying around, sweary shouty men, crowds, kids and kango hammers ???

One of the local coaches recognised me tonight, strange to think that the last time he saw me, I was working my puppy's father and he's retired three years.
We're still pretty scatterbrained so keeping sessions short. At the moment I'm happy to feed her for looking at me.

She's a tracking machine so happy with that, I was worried her grips weren't great when playing with me, but with the minimal ragging she has done on someone else has been super. No barking yet (not at what I want her to, anyway :p) but I'm sure it'll come.
I must stop comparing her to her father, who was a complete freak of nature.


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14 April 2011
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Ooooh i forgot this and wondered why the OP had so many similar issues!

5 month update!

The furry idiots and I are currently at boot camp until Sunday learning about disengagement from the environment, topping up our mat/settle work and hopefully more tips to tackle our chase issues.

We started flyball training last weekend and SHOCK HORROR! After 10 minutes of pratting about Miss Collie actually managed a changeover! Albeit from 20 ft and with two runners!
She also made it up and down the lane with a dog in another. Proper racing and team work is still a long, long way off but there actually may be some light at the end of a long tunnel!

We are looking for a new agility trainer, the old one lost her land and the only other one that I know of that would do distance handling is only doing starter classes at 3.30! Utterly useless for anyone in fulltime work!

We have also started obedience class again so hopefully can work towards that Bronze award.

Not much is happening with Mrs Spaniel. She just putters around merrily yelling at things. Hard to believe she is now 7!
6 years ago I was posting about if I was taking on more than I can chew!
I'm hoping that boot camp will help her build some confidence and aid a speedier recall which might help some of our flyball issues.

Shes still the best little idiot going


Well-Known Member
14 April 2011
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Football is back and they're digging up the estate next door so I've finally got to get some distraction work done around balls flying around, sweary shouty men, crowds, kids and kango hammers ???

One of the local coaches recognised me tonight, strange to think that the last time he saw me, I was working my puppy's father and he's retired three years.
We're still pretty scatterbrained so keeping sessions short. At the moment I'm happy to feed her for looking at me.

She's a tracking machine so happy with that, I was worried her grips weren't great when playing with me, but with the minimal ragging she has done on someone else has been super. No barking yet (not at what I want her to, anyway :p) but I'm sure it'll come.
I must stop comparing her to her father, who was a complete freak of nature.

Could you explain to a numpty like me what it is you do/are training for? It all sounds very intense!