Well-Known Member
Where can I get suitable young/child rider insurance for my 3 year old boy? I’ve looked at pony club, animal friends, and bhs the lowest they go to is 4 yr. anyone help???
I am guessing a 3 year old would be on the lead-rein. Surely in law, the adult in control of the pony would be the one that would need insuring? Worth ringing NFU or similar and asking! I am guessing you’re looking for public liability for pony while under your care/supervision.
What are you trying to insure against? Him being hurt? There's no insurance for that, I don't think, except family medical insurance. Him hurting the pony or causing an accident? He's 3, he can't be held liable for anything he does, it's the responsibility of the adults supervising him.
I don't understand what insurance anyone expects you to have for your child to ride a pony. Riding schools wouldn't exist if it was demanded.
It’s one of the main reasons why most places don’t offer lessons until the child is four. Under 4s gets a bit murky.