This is becoming annoying to say the least, everytime I 'Ignore User' you create another one to post useless c*ap! If you want to debate then debate, we can all post pro hunting bloody what!
I was talking about the design. Something which I have been playing about with this morning..just so there isn't any confusion about whose blog is whose.
I think you're slightly underestimating the intelligence of our mutual readers. Your blog is called "Hunting for Justice", mine is "Let's Ban Hunting!". I don't think there's room for confusion.
Having said that please resist the temptation to pilfer material from my superior site!
Another crap website from the anti scum, Not much on there is there? I'm surprised you havent done what all the other scum do on their websites. That is they share all the same pics of dead foxes and the like to 'shock' people. Loser :grin: :grin:
Just like Aegit and his chums, you're clearly not here to debate but just churn out malevolent and childish drivel. I'm very happy to discuss hunting with you, but only if you conduct yourself in a reasonably mature manner.
having looked at both sites mistermole seems to be lacking in material...does he/she have nothing to add to the debate? It will be interesting to see what a higher court will have to say on this ruling. The narrowness of the current interpretation, I would think, does not set a workable precedent.
He doesn't have a lot to say about it. Mostly just prejudice.
If you try and engage them in a debate they just change the subject or start trying to take the piss. They have no real interest in any of the issues around hunting I'm afraid.
It's mostly just personal attacks on 'the hunting fraternity'.
The last the time i checked foxes, hares and deer weren't endangered, far from it i think your find. Pissed on your fireworks with that answer.
I've got a question for you the tax-dodging student, if hunts weren't here to pick up dead stock from the farmers, how would you the antis solve the problem? Because the Fallen Stock Scheme uses hunt kennels and many farmers who are on that use us because were cheaper, DEFRA wouldnt be able to cope without us.Before you start thinking i dont know anything on the subject, i am a hunt servant and work in kennels day in day out so i know what i'm on about. Fox hunting isn't all about red coats, we pick up stock as a thank you to farmers for allowing us across their land.