Well-Known Member
I don't know where you are in the country but up here, Jack Thomas-Watson in Northumberland seems to have a good reputation - they also import from Ireland but they don't turn them round so fast, and they also seem to get a higher proportion of more established horses. I don't know what IHI prices are like - JTW probably charges quite a bit more but he seems to have a decent idea of what he has, and you can ride them. As with any dealer I'm sure he'll get mixed reviews but he might be worth a Google. In my limited dealings with him he seemed very genuine.
JTW has glowing reviews, I didn’t end up buying from him (only because something turned up on my doorstep) but I would certainly be contacting him again when I’m next looking.
They are more ££ than IHI but not astronomical. He’s got a good eye for a nice horse and is good at matching riders with a suitable horse.