Irresponsible dog owner quote of the week


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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I said to a dog owner once really nicely, can you call him back because the horse will kick as the dog was literally round its back legs.
The reply was “don’t worry, that’ll teach her to bother horses”
Wtf! Really? It may also kill her.
I've had that response too. A few years back I was rear escort for some kids from a local RS. A dog joined us on the bridlepath and was snapping at my pony's legs (this was a v sane RS pony). I called out a few times and got zero response from the owner. Then there was a thud as the pony got annoyed and made contact.

Owner finally rocked up. I explained the dog had been kicked and all she said was That'll teach him.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Had another encounter of the overly friendly kind over the weekend, out for a family walk. Spot a dog off lead, it starts rushing over so I get my OH to pick up my nearly 2yo son and then try to shield my 4yo son from the dog. They start shouting "oh he's just being friendly", dog jumping all over us including my 10yo son and trying to lick my 4yo in the face. Its revolting! I dont want your dogs filthy feet all over my kids clothes and I certainly dont want your dog up in my kids faces trying to lick them. They looked at me like I was crazy since their dog was "just being friendly"! I dont know your dog, I dont know you and I certainly dont trust you or your dog to not bite / scratch / knock over my small kids! I feel 75% of dogs arent under control and should be permanently on leads when out in public. Id never let my dog off lead when in public as I dont have good enough recall, pretty simple!


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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I have had numerous dogs, so I understand what it is like when you have one without perfect recall, or who cannot be 100% trusted. I have an amazing solution, not expensive or difficult to use. It is called a 'leash'.

The girl on a scooter didn't even have one of these with her... I think that she'd must be new to the area. In my neighborhood you literally cannot spend more than ten minutes outdoors during daylight hours without seeing at least one horse.

GSD Woman

Well-Known Member
9 December 2018
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I walk my dogs where I can usually let them be off leash. If we see other people, with or without dogs, we either go in a different direction of the dogs go back on leash. Easy peasy. I had one that had decided that she didn't need to recall and jumped another dog. She was never off lead except in my backyard again. She also ended up being rehomed by the breeder to a much more appropriate home.