Fais pas chier!
I think if I rode lots, then yes. It would save so much time. If you are time rich, then I’d be tempted to save money and do diy at a yard a bit further away.
Hi Lex2009. A few weeks on, how are you finding it? Did you make the right decision? (I'm in the position you were in abd have a lot to think about )Hi everyone thanks for all the lovely replies. I have decided to move my horse to the full livery yard. I am moving her tomorrow morning it’s going to make my life a lot easier.
Full Livery. What I call FULL livery includes riding and tack cleaning and everything else, and I personally think whats the point of having a horse when you have nothing to do with it.I was thinking of moving to a yard closer to home just for convenience and less driving time. I found a lovely yard but the only problem it’s full livery only. ( it doesn’t include riding my horse) I visit my horse 7 days a week I don’t no is it worth paying that money when I do see my horse 7 days a week. What’s you’re opinion .