Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I have a problem that brought me to this forum. I take private lessons in a riding school every week, I'm advanced rider and I have ridden elsewhere before but this is the first time I really take regular lessons. I really like this school and I can tell the horses are well taken care of. However, after I upgraded from the typical "old school tired and lazy pony" I got a horse that gave me hell. He misbehaved, he often tried to run when I was mounting, refused to cooperate. But is somehow worked, I learned a lot from this and when this horse was in a good mood, it was perfection. Instructor said I was doing exceptionally well despite his behaviour. but mostly every session was a struggle and it resulted in an incident when the horse went mad and almost kicked my head. After this I was given another horse which seemed fantastic, great walk, manners... But he was badly treated in the past and he gets spooked by everything. Others horses, dogs, people who just walk by. He gallops to safety unexpectedly whenever he feels threatened which is like 10 times per hour. I never felt so insecure with any other horse, you basically just wait for the moment he jumps and runs without warning. Instructors said I was doing amazing job with him and that the horse was really comfortable with me but I just don't feel that way. And to my question, I'm really not sure if it's the horses that are not suitable for riding school or if I'm just a bad rider who should give up as I obviously don't get along with any horse. Thanks to everyone who read through my long story