Horse servant
Perhaps you should start a new and much more intellectually stimulating thread on a fascinating and original subject if this one is not to your liking!
Perhaps you should start a new and much more intellectually stimulating thread on a fascinating and original subject if this one is not to your liking!
Oh jeezuz.... isn't there anything better to talk about than rugging the frikkin' horses???
I can understand not rugging natives, and I agree that ideally horses should have 24/7 all year round turnout (preferably with shelter), but really, do we have the right to do this to breeds that originated in hotter climates such as TBs and arabs? Personally I think it is wrong to breed fine skinned animals but yet expect them to rough it with the natives. What do others think?
Generally, a TB or an Arab is unlikely to winter out as well as a native breed if it is left unrugged. Obviously there are exceptions, but I think it is important to bear this in mind before just popping the horse out without a rug in wet and freezing weather. It's always worth getting to know the horse first so that you know how it copes with extreme weather conditions. I'd always be inclined to start by rugging and then take them off if the horse didn't need them, certainly with a breed like a TB or an Arab, rather than the other way round.
My Arab was living out into November this year without a rug on but I know she couldn't do it right through the winter as her coat just doesn't get thick enough and certainly wouldn't keep her dry. Cold, dry weather is much better for her than slightly milder, wet weather as she doesn't have enough to keep the water off her skin and is prone to rain scald.
Yes, maybe I should have rephrased the question. I do know of a couple of TBs that have grown an exceptionally thick winter coat and would probably cope. But personally I think that 'cope' is the word. Would needlessly burn much needed caloriies I think.
Having worked on both a TB and Arab stud where none of the living out broodmares were rugged, or even fed anything other than ad lib hay I am not so sure. They all wintered well and held condition and never look miserable, but they lived in a big harmonious group in very big fields with lots of natural shelter on all sides. Left up to me I would have probably fed and rugged them all and rapidly gone out of business!
Pneumonia is normally the result of a bacterial infection so wearing a rug or not would not have made any difference to the horse getting it. However once diagnosed one would expect the horse to be lept warm (rugged!) to aid recovery.
fairy nuff, i think the point was that this thin-skinned super-fit (so no insulating fat) horse was chucked out regardless, ignored, and left that way when it started sickening... and went rapidly downhill.![]()
I said no but obviously it depends on the horse, how much shelter, whether forage/grass is ad lib etc.
But people who think TBs can't grow a proper coat are more than welcome to come and meet mine. She has a coat on her to rival any native pony! Puppy has seen her recently, I'm sure she'll tell you how hairy she is!
I can understand not rugging natives, and I agree that ideally horses should have 24/7 all year round turnout (preferably with shelter), but really, do we have the right to do this to breeds that originated in hotter climates such as TBs and arabs? Personally I think it is wrong to breed fine skinned animals but yet expect them to rough it with the natives. What do others think?
*Free pop corn with this thread*
i rug according to need rather than breed![]()
This ^^^
So many people say, they're horses they're built to live out without rugs etc but forget how we have genetically modified them through selective breeding and the outcome is a lot of thin skinned breeds.
Some of you would hate to see the local polo ponies, 60+ wintering out with no rugs on. They're not exactly natives and they cope fine!
I'm loving that quote!
'Cope' being the operative word![]()
Perhaps you should start a new and much more intellectually stimulating thread on a fascinating and original subject if this one is not to your liking!
No because there aren't any intellectual people to read it!