Is the sky falling on his head? He thinks so


Well-Known Member
8 February 2007
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My border x daschaund (yes I know(!)) is 3, and since we rescued him as a pup he has always been a sensitive boy, emotionally, skin etc, and he has a slight heart murmor which we have checked regularly.
Last week he had one of his funny turns as we put it, and if I explain it I was wondering if you could tell me what you think it is - this is his 5th in 3 years.

He lies on the floor and looks up at the sky, he shakes, and looks up like the world is about to fall on his head. He looks afraid, and gets very soppy, and wont leave me alone. He doesnt get a temperature and his nose remains wet and his gums pink. But he keeps lying down, as if hiding from the sky.

Within a day of fussing etc he perks up and acts like nothing has happened. He doesnt go off his food and he still drinks the same amt of water. He still wants to exercise, both our dogs get 3 x 1hr walks a day, and have a very healthy & nutritous diet. Grateful of any advise or if you have experienced similar. xx


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
My lurcher can 'feel' a hot air balloon before ever we see it and will go to hide somewhere dark looking just like your dog and she won't come out for some hours and they've long gone by then, even then she is still shaking like a leaf. Haven't a clue why she does this, she's not bothered by planes, helicopters, guns, just hot air balloons and has been the same from when I had her at 7 weeks!

This could well go back to something that happened before you had him so is there anything that has always happened before he's had one that you can remember? TBH, it doesn't sound like a 'proper' fit just that something has triggered his actions off and that's how he reacts to it. The fact that his vital signs stay well, etc seems to point to a nervous rather than medical reason - to me, but I am no expert, believe me!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2007
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my collie x does a similar thing, he doesn't shake but stares fearfully upwards like he is looking for snipers!!!

I am hugely embarrassed to say that I think it's because he has picked up on my fear of moths and flies because immeadiately he hears a buzz he slinks off under the bed!

I now try and not make a big deal out of it as I know he takes his lead from me so I act brave!