Is there ever the perfect time for your first?


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15 October 2015
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"I just don't know if I'm going to be able to enjoy/stick at a loan situation as I'm opinionated - I'm not keen on gossiping, negativity, refuse to entertain somebody being rude to me when they feel like it, and think you shouldn't cut corners when it comes to looking after horses..."

Cannot relate to this more! Have had several on loan now and it eventually starts driving me mad, for various reasons. Other people just don't do things the way you would - I get it!

Hope to buy my first horse in the new year, aged 31. What I really want is to buy the one I have on loan currently (for all his annoying spookiness and nappiness) but if owners don't want to sell, I shall forge ahead and find something else. It might even hack out on its own, who knows! Ha.

A few people have said it now, and it's the hardest thing to do when this is SO EXCITING (I'm excited for you, and I don't even know you!) - but definitely try to take a step back, mull it over, do you know anyone horsey in your area that could come with you? Definitely a good idea to ask on here for advice, share pics of any prospective horses you're going to see etc. I've had some great advice on here and have learned so much from reading various threads - don't take it at face value though, try and collect as much information from a variety of sources and as many opinions as you can. As long as this yard owner is a nice genuine person, sounds like you could have fallen on your feet there - but do treat with caution and again, don't take whatever she says at face value.

Best of luck - I look forward to hearing how this pans out :)


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24 September 2017
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I've managed to get a lid on things today and think more sensibly. I've been on a 5hr hack on my loan horse - had to text YO at 1pm to rearrange because we were miles away, got to yard at 10am and HO mixed up the timings/route we were late for everything, childcare etc - arrived back at 3.30!!

Hope to visit YO Monday now...

Loan HO really pushing me to do winter with her to get the experience - and the help! But I do want more it's not where I want to be and I'm ready for my own but I'll keep riding at least and getting experience while I take it step by step for my own and picking up practical yard experience.

Still hoping the YO can help me with sourcing a horse etc or one of the YOs I visit in the area. I've also enquiried about 3 other yards and they are all full with waiting lists grrr!!!

Is there a comprehensive list of yards anywhere I could access? Yell and Google are a bit hit & miss?

There's spaces on my current yard but no in house livery although a girl does mobile livery there but that makes me a bit uneasy should her situation change. Are mobile liveries readily available in manchester does anyone know if this was an option for consideration? The massive plus is that the hacking is direct no roads Straight onto trans pennine trail, brilliant turnout (I don't think any yard can beat it) an indoor and 2 outdoor arenas.. they have a stable avail too. Something to bare in mind anyhow.

Another question if I may; is there one place I could use to search in a more organised way for horses for sale? It feels a bit all over the place with preloved, H&H, Facebook groups? I'm seeing some of the same horses too?

Riding holiday next 2 nights with 2 instructed lessons included rather excited about that and SLEEP in a hotel, with brelike in bed of course..

Ive ordered a groom tote and brushes set because I couldn't help myself and keeping an eye on Facebook marketplace for good second hand stuff that's not size related too.

There's such an exciting air around at the moment - a big change coming into our lives cannot wait to meet him/her when it materialises! My mums even agreed to learn the basics for me so if babies poorly and I don't want to leave her she can get us through the day at the yard as a backup - bonus!


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15 October 2015
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Are you on Facebook? If so, search for local horsey groups you can join. I'm in the West Midlands and there are loads of different ones, including general horsey groups where people buy and sell and ask for advice, and more specific groups for advertising livery yards, horses for sale, fun rides and shows etc. Would be worth joining as many of these local groups as you can - I've found out about loads of yards I otherwise wouldn't have done, just by being a member of those FB groups. I just take a screen shot of the details and save it in my phone for future reference.
You might even pick up some bargains while you're at it! ;)


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21 October 2008
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Fb groups in your area:

Cheshire livery yards
Everything horsey manchester
Cheshire horses for sale and loan

I will post on your other thread a list of local livery yards to you. Space is tight in this area, stables come and go very quickly so you need to be quite on the ball. If there's somewhere ideal for you it could be worth moving to one yard for short term and be put on a waiting list. Different things suit different people at the end of the day.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Another question if I may; is there one place I could use to search in a more organised way for horses for sale? It feels a bit all over the place with preloved, H&H, Facebook groups? I'm seeing some of the same horses too?

Nope, there is no one place - theres just lots of places :D and horse shopping is pretty much that... all over the place!

Enjoy holiday you lucky thing, something will turn up you just have to be patient and not get railroaded into a decision you might later regret :)
Last edited:


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24 September 2017
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Wow I've just finished my first lesson at the idyllic farm my holiday is linked to and feel like I made massive progress just things clicking into place RE loss ending my legs and not overusing the reigns - oh and I've discovered why my loan horse keeps galloping with me when I'm leaning forward in canter!! Oops

I rode a stunning thoroughbred such a gentle boy and felt super comfy on him..

I think I'll have to get a good ol spreadsheet out with this horse shopping then!! Love a spreadsheet actually..

#progress #babysteps


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24 September 2017
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Thanks ponyparty can I ask how you are going to plan it out, which Order?

Where and how to source horse
Yard diy/livery
Big shop for all the equipment none size related?
How to make sense of the gazillion ads everywhere & decide what you actually want??


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24 September 2017
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I have news!!

Been to the yard and it's perfect, less than 1 minutes from my house, really intimate which I like while I'm still learning, happy horses really well cared for.. good grazing and a friendly and welcoming feel.

Multiple options for a loan horse while the YO helps me find my own. Also YO is an instructor so can do lessons there..

Going to dot the i's so to speak this week and give it a go. It's a no brainer I think!



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24 September 2017
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Could anybody let me know whether they think this would be useful or a waste of money?

"NEW Enlightened Equitation Heather Moffett Seatbone Saver BLACK"

Struggling to work out how to attach a pic actually grrr


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Thanks ponyparty can I ask how you are going to plan it out, which Order?

Where and how to source horse
Yard diy/livery
Big shop for all the equipment none size related?
How to make sense of the gazillion ads everywhere & decide what you actually want??

Sorry, didn't see your reply!

Hadn't really given it too much thought yet, but would find a yard first to make sure I have somewhere to house my horse. I'll put a post on facebook, on my own wall and the local horsey groups, and see what comes in, as well as contacting all the ones I've seen advertised. I'll be looking for assisted DIY I think - having someone to turn out in the mornings, bring in for farrier etc would be useful as I work full time.

Finding the horse itself - I work on a yard and my boss would be happy to help me with pony-shopping, she's done it for quite a few people. She's a friend of a local dealer/hunt yard who has good horses coming through all the time. Will also be keeping an eye on facebook, preloved, the usual. I will be approaching the owners of my loan horse to see if they'd like to sell him to me, but I don't think they'll go for it so am already planning alternatives. He's an absolute pig to hack out on his own anyway, so I'm not sure why i want him haha suppose I've grown rather fond of the silly boy! I will make a list of things that the horse definitely needs to be able to do. Like you, I want minimal white haha I'm not keen on coloureds or hairy cobby things at all. Treat adverts with a rather large pinch of salt - check with knowledgeable friends and on here, whether it's worth going to view - and take someone knowledgeable with you to the viewing.

Big shop for all the equipment.... I think I've probably got most of it to be fair, having been loaning for quite some time. What sort of stuff do you mean? Will probably just buy things as and when I need them. Will have to find someone reliable for straw and hay, lots of recommendations on facebook and by word of mouth though.

I think for you, definitely embrace the horsey way of life at this yard, make lots of contacts, ask what others do, get as many opinions as you can.

And re: seat savers, I've heard the acavello gel ones are best but have never tried them myself, i'm sure plenty on here can help though.


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24 September 2017
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I thought I'd update the thread with the latest in my quest to become a horse owner.

I instantly knew the yard I visited (recomended by a lovely H&H poster!) was the right one and moved within a few weeks. I've loaned one of the YOs horses in the interim and have been riding or oottering around the place every minute I can get spare. It's ace and really friendly people too I can see lots of fun to be had there..

I felt like I was sinking really a couple of weeks ago in the volume of adverts, dealers, private ads for horses and making a clear decision in what I wanted and then the YO told me she had found a horse - and that I can have her (Mare, 10Yrs, been there and done that.) for a three week trial - I'm just waiting to hear which day this week she will arrive!!

She's gorgeous I'm so hoping she's the one but we shall see... the good thing is the owner she's coming from, and has been with for many years is reputable and respected so I am hopeful.

It's really comical as a newbie on a yard at times, especially the lingo when it comes to horses / recent convo between me and YO.

Me: "What do you think of this + pic"
YO: "Looks a bit ponified"
Me: "Erm google doesn't know what ponified means?"
YO: "Just a Ponies head on a horses body"

Ok then - that explains it completely!!! Haha

Then there's the knots (thanks YouTube), the yard rules (people think you should know!) doing really silly things like taking treats into a field of hungry horses to get yours (, almost making a bed out of hay instead of straw... ahem!

As a 35 year old business owner it's an interesting experience to say the least to find myself with zero common sense over stupid things all of a sudden but it's coming together. The yard is just perfect really I've someone to ask even the silliest of questions and help me through this transition - and it's part livery so I get to enjoy the good bits (feel a tad guilty about not greeting my new horse each morning but not so much to do them!).

It's a very exciting time I can't wait...

Anyone else have any cringe moments to share from their first days on a yard so I don't feel like a total imbecile?!?!



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15 October 2015
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Oh that's lovely. Really hope this horse works out for you, but don't feel pressured into having her if she's not 100% right. You don't have to take the first one that comes along (what my mum always said to me about men haha!). And make sure you have her 5 stage vetted by an independent vet. You could save yourself a lot of heartache in the future.

By the way, I am by no means an expert :) I'm learning all the time and still have d'oh moments... even though I've been working with horses for 4 years, and loaning on and off for 3 (and was fairly horsey as a child though never had my own*). I'm sure there was a thread on here not too long ago about stupid things we've done with our horses/on the yard, it was quite refreshing to see that many people still make silly mistakes now and again!

*strictly speaking, I had my own but she had to be put down after I'd owned her for 2 weeks.... put me off horses and riding for many years, it broke my heart.

Now that it's nearly November, I feel like I've just realised that it's really not very long until the new year is here... eek... need to decide what to do re: loan horse, whether to propose buying him or just look elsewhere. Head/heart. I'm so excited at the prospect of having my very own horse... Don't want to mess it up by making the wrong decision (whether that is leaving loan horse behind, or taking him on.... I may post a thread about it in the coming weeks to get opinions. I bet I know what everyone is going to say already).


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24 January 2013
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Hi, this sounds a bit like me, ridden loads but didn't own first horses until 37 when within a month I had mine and one for my novice husband as well. So glad I did now 20 yrs later I have owned 8 - always in multiples, had great times and learnt a lot. Very very glad I bit the bullet and there is no right time a bit like children!!


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24 September 2017
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Hi Ponyparty,

Wow that must have been really tough for you having that happen after just two weeks!

I do wonder from what you've mentioned with regards to your loan horse and her vices whether you should maybe aim higher and see what's out there? But who am I to even know what's right!! It's hard work shopping for them!

My loan horse bolted today at the sound of one of those BOOM things that scare birds away from crops, can honestly say I was terrified and I'm still a bit freaked by it but I'll be getting straight back on. She looked after me though during her flight there was a moment I was heading for a fall and she recovered me and slowed, she's got a big heart that one!

So nice to hear I'm not the only one doing silly things!

Good luck with your decision!!


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21 April 2014
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go for it. life is too short and you never know what will happen in the future. if you don't buy your own horse you will always regret it. I am sure that your little one will grow up loving them as well


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24 September 2017
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Hi JD!

Thanks for the vote of confidence I need that!

I'll keep you updated. Sounds like you've had an amazing journey ;/)


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24 September 2017
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I've had a gorgeous mare for trial wince Wednesday, I'm going on a hack today on her and so far she's been 150% in everything, if she does well today and passes vetting I think she's a keeper.. we shall see!

Exciting ;-)


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15 October 2015
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I've had a gorgeous mare for trial wince Wednesday, I'm going on a hack today on her and so far she's been 150% in everything, if she does well today and passes vetting I think she's a keeper.. we shall see!

Exciting ;-)

Yayyyyy excited for you! pics?


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28 September 2016
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I just type into google image to url converter - I use tinypic. Select your photo, upload it & it will give you a URL - copy it and paste it as your reply on here.

Love a good photo!


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21 October 2008
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Funnily enough I was babysitting for one of the ladies yesterday and she said someone was buying a new one so came on here to check!

I'm popping down Saturday Morning to say Hi to people so will have a nosy at yours then :D


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15 October 2015
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Any progress, Nofilter?

I have made the decision to approach my loan horse's owners to see if they'd like to sell him to me. For all his quirks, I love him to bits. I know he's been there and done it all and although he can be an awkward git when he wants to be, life would be boring without a bit of a challenge ;) I put it in writing to his owners over the weekend, so we shall see what comes of it...


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15 October 2015
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Great to see you've found a suitable partner in crime :)

Not sure if you mean me or OP, but if you mean me.... thanks! Crossing everything that they will agree to sell him.
Trying not to count my chickens before they hatch - was very restrained at Your Horse Live at the weekend, only bought a couple of essentials as I didn't want to jinx it. Eeeeeek.


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24 September 2017
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It’s been a while but I thought I’d update on my progress.

I have had Coco since October now and my life has totally changed for the better.

I’ve dropped 2 dress sizes, met new friends and am completely hooked on the sport side of things!

It was NOT plain sailing. Thank god I am on a part livery yard with the YO able to guide me as I would have really struggled on DIY without that support initially.

Due to my lack of experience and her reaction to changing yards the first month was AWFUL. She bolted with me, scary as hell - then went down with colic the next day. I’ve since found out she has ulcers and they are being treated as we speak and she’s now a really happy, content and calm horse.

Meanwhile I’ve had a bag load of lessons, ridden at somerfords farm ride, been out on hacks - little bit further each time and then on Sunday we just went on a two hour wander with my friend from the farm and it’s all finally clicked.

I definitely over horsed myself being honest. But now I’m through the storm and I’ve kind of caught up to her I think we’ll be good...

Ready to start learning to jump now we’ve tightened up our canter and banked some more hours on that. Contact. Contact. Contact!!

Anyway, here’s an image of us Sunday... she’s a 16.1 Warmblood.

Oh yea - she also has flat feet but we’ve overcome that too now. She had gels for 6 months and the farrier has been able to encourage growth of a concave...

In August, we’ll be moving to Shropshire as I’ve boight an equestrian property. It has 4acres and 3 stables / tack / forage room. It’s amazing!! My two year old literally is obsessed with horses and we are having so much fun around this.. our house is stuffed with breyer models!! Currently looking into getting her a Shetland - we’re going to sit her on a pony tomorrow to see how she goes with that...

I’m hoping by the end of the year I’ll be nicely settled, keeping my every Monday riding lesson going and maybe even get to a show or two next year, beginners stuff.

I’ve a bit of a decision to make soon though. My plan is to take two of my yard owners retired horses for company for Coco but that leaves me with just 1 horse to ride, which I might regret if I have guests come or whatever - so I’m thinking of getting a second - a cob/plod that I can hop on our turn away without worrying about keeping in work... it IS a lot of work to look after a horse (or two) that you can’t ride... BUT am I just creating more work for myself as I know I’ll fall for the new horse if I did get one so it’s got to be a lifetime consideration!!

What would you do?

Hope all is well with you guys too xx


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Great stuff and how lovely to have your own place where you can have your horses at home. GOod to hear you're having fun :)

Wouldn't worry about horse bolting - happened to me on a new horse once and to be fair there was a stage on my mare where I thought dismounting was at full speed out the side door! (We're over that thankfully!)

The problem with a horse that you can hop on-off whenever you like is that you need to find one that can genuinely tolerate grass without getting fat and developing metabolic issues or behavioural issues as a result. They DO exist as we have one like that - she's not a cob though. A cob wouldn't be the ideal choice unless you can manage the weight well with muzzle/track system/dry-lot etc. Something for you to think about.

IF I were in your shoes right now with that amount of land (in my dreams), I would transform my land into a paddock paradise set-up - one to google for you.

All the very best!