When I was a kid scraping eggs was a daily thing but like you not seen them until last summer again ?I saw a flying bot fly the other day do not think I have ever seen one before. New horse has tell tell orange spots on his legs which I have not seen since I bought a new horse about 20 years ago who after worming had the larve come out. Gross things.
Same here! I feel like as a kid I was always scraping them off of my pony, but I don’t think I’ve seen the fly or eggs in 10+ yearsWhen I was a kid scraping eggs was a daily thing but like you not seen them until last summer again ?
I've never seen eggs, flies or larvae before. Well apart from the ones that burrow into people's skin in the tropics...
Right. Will get checking and scraping. I think it was only 5 or 6 weeks ago that I wormed them.
I don't think that is a Botfly larvae? You are in the very north of Scotland aren't you?
It could be a beetle larvae, if it was an older poop in the field? Before worming again I would get a proper identification from your vet or somewhere like Westgate Labs.
It is very rare to see them that far north. I would think that larvae has hatched from an egg that was laid on a nice warm fresh poop.
I was in a vet waiting room earlier this year when an owner with a horse in for ulcer scoping said they'd found bot larvae in the stomach wall even though the horse had recently been wormed. They were advised to worm again.
The one I saw out of one of my horses after worming was fatter than that, probably a bit under an inch long.
When I moved here 30 years ago the horses used to get bot eggs on their legs, but I've not seen any for a couple of decades or more. I was hoping they had died out, obviously not.