I keep a 15.2hh horse and 11hh pony at a diy yard 5 minutes from home. The horse lives out 24/7 and the pony was stabled overnight October to March. The pony field was a mud pit, and the horse field while mostly dry had little grass and became deep mud around their hay which is where he spent most of his time. Hay for both cost me about £25 a week. (And hay quality was variable)
The yard is friendly but basic and dealing with the deep mud last winter was rubbish. This winter that pony could maybe go out 24/7 with the horses herd but no guarantee. We help each other out rather than having paid for services.
However, a field has just come up available to rent (sub-let) 25 minutes from home but on my route from work. It is also near the areas I may be looking to move house to in the next 6 months or so.
Its 1.3 acres so not really enough for all year round. It's very basic, water provided by hose from neighbouring house, fencing needs some minor reinforcing in places. I'm thinking about taking it on as extra grazing to move mine to for the winter, perhaps nov-march depending on weather. I'd keep my place at current yard unless/until I move area. Does this sound sensible? I would only be riding the odd light weekend hack (have been starting ride and lead with pony so he wouldn't be left if it upsets him). The grass is currently ungrazed so I'd hope I wouldn't need to feed much if any extra.
Field rent is £180pm, services available for extra. I'm not sure if I can justify this on top of my current £160pm, when I wouldn't be using it for several months yet. There's also a risk the lady decides later she wants it back for her own horses. Would it be normal to offer a lower rent while unoccupied? Or offer some kind of retainer, refundable in the event she changes her mind about renting it?
The positives would be less mud, pony can live out, and just my two to deal with. Also could be really useful if I move to the nearby area as would take pressure off finding somewhere for them.
Negatives are cost, no stable or storage, further from home, and I'd need to hire transport to move them there and back.
Sorry this ended up long so thanks if you got this far! How does all this sound from an outside perspective? Is it worth considering?
The yard is friendly but basic and dealing with the deep mud last winter was rubbish. This winter that pony could maybe go out 24/7 with the horses herd but no guarantee. We help each other out rather than having paid for services.
However, a field has just come up available to rent (sub-let) 25 minutes from home but on my route from work. It is also near the areas I may be looking to move house to in the next 6 months or so.
Its 1.3 acres so not really enough for all year round. It's very basic, water provided by hose from neighbouring house, fencing needs some minor reinforcing in places. I'm thinking about taking it on as extra grazing to move mine to for the winter, perhaps nov-march depending on weather. I'd keep my place at current yard unless/until I move area. Does this sound sensible? I would only be riding the odd light weekend hack (have been starting ride and lead with pony so he wouldn't be left if it upsets him). The grass is currently ungrazed so I'd hope I wouldn't need to feed much if any extra.
Field rent is £180pm, services available for extra. I'm not sure if I can justify this on top of my current £160pm, when I wouldn't be using it for several months yet. There's also a risk the lady decides later she wants it back for her own horses. Would it be normal to offer a lower rent while unoccupied? Or offer some kind of retainer, refundable in the event she changes her mind about renting it?
The positives would be less mud, pony can live out, and just my two to deal with. Also could be really useful if I move to the nearby area as would take pressure off finding somewhere for them.
Negatives are cost, no stable or storage, further from home, and I'd need to hire transport to move them there and back.
Sorry this ended up long so thanks if you got this far! How does all this sound from an outside perspective? Is it worth considering?