Well-Known Member
Joe, I'm merely telling you what hunts do. How is it harrassment to remind you of the hunts' own treatment of puppies?
looking forward to your pics Joe!
I have written to admin and indeed they dont believe hho rules are being contravined. I would therefore suggest to everyone we all put the antis on ignore and then we cannot get drawn into debate and can carry on as usual?
every response ever scratchline, you have joined hho purely to post in hunting forum and cause trouble, you do not use any other part of hho, except latest news when thats about hunting. You are a troll in my mind.
I don't use the other parts of this forum either, does that make me a troll too!!
Okay, I am a case on my own. Ive been around (on the forum) for over 5 years now and I have been pro, then anti and Im now hovering on the pro again. I am all for hunting the fox with hounds, I am against terrier work and digging. The people who post on the section of the HHO are, strangely enough, mostly pro hunting-I wonder why? Had this section been on the 'finer aspects of dressage', I would expect to see 'dressage enthusiasts' and not 'horseball players' . Im sure that the later would be made more than welcome so long as they didnt try to turn the section into 'their' sport. Im probably explaining myself badly here
. Whatever the 'anti's' have to say-its been said a thousand times before and the pro's and many anti's are probably fed up hearing the same old thing time and time again. If you dont like hunting, then dont partake-its easy and painless and costs absolutely nothing. Have I made sense at all or have I just waffled away and bored everyone? Sorry, its been a hard day
Mairi.-Remove the digging and Ill dig out my stock NOW!!!
PS, this post is aimed at Scratchline, or whatever the person is called. No offence meant![]()