Is this getting a bit too far now?


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Joe, I'm merely telling you what hunts do. How is it harrassment to remind you of the hunts' own treatment of puppies?

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
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teach your grandmother to suck eggs if you wish, no need to teach us all the negative side of puppy rearing, we've done it for years and know full well that it doesn't always work out, we do give our pups every chance to prove themselves and therefore are not put down as puppies. for an anti i dread to think where you've picked up these nonsensical ideas of death etc. the anti websites i suppose, anything to stir the sh-t whether it be true or otherwise! by the way, it's not a case of "cutie lickle fluffy puppies," they are adorable as is any pup but they soon grow into young hooligans, all part of growing up- a joy.


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22 November 2005
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looking forward to your pics Joe!

Dead or alive? :eek:)

Not harrassment?

i no what hunts do and since i have been involved we have shot 1 hound. i spend every spare minute ive got working at kennels and helping the slaughter man.

You have admitted you have nothing to do with kennel life so who the hell are you to comment on it if you want to be anti fine i dont care neither does anyone else here, its nothing to do with us but neither is what we do anything to do with you.

Stupid as it sounds a respect "hunt moniters" they do something they believe in and stick up for it but ever since the 1960's vigilanty groups have disgraced the title of hunt monitor to cause conflict to what in their very narrow minded views are upper class of which i can assure you i am not.


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8 December 2008
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I have written to admin and indeed they dont believe hho rules are being contravined. I would therefore suggest to everyone we all put the antis on ignore and then we cannot get drawn into debate and can carry on as usual?


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Joe, if you look at the puppy thread you'll see that I agree that hunters love their hounds. I've also said elsewhere on this forum that the vast majority of hunters are decent, "normal" people. I also don't agree with the Hunting Act. I think hunting should be a matter of conscience for the individual.

What seems to have enraged pros here is my stating what is simply a fact: that hunts shoot their hounds, even though they are healthy animals, but no longer any use for hunting.

If pros don't want to debate, that's absolutely fine by me. I don't blame them! LOL!


Well-Known Member
20 March 2009
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I have written to admin and indeed they dont believe hho rules are being contravined. I would therefore suggest to everyone we all put the antis on ignore and then we cannot get drawn into debate and can carry on as usual?

I think you are right. They might get a little lonely though if people don't want to play with them! :D


Well-Known Member
29 February 2004
I have to say I have faith in the strength of my arguments in favour of hunting and I will not be pressing the ignore button (I made an exception in the case of Soggy Bottom Boys) - long before this forum became a place for general hunting chit chat it was named the Hunting Debate Forum and there were some spirited, but civilised arguments on the subject.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Debate is useful and healthy. It makes you challenge your own ideas as well as others'. I just wish I wasn't always right (joke).


Well-Known Member
8 December 2008
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although i agree with you to an extent combat claire, i also have faith in my arguement and dont mind debating it but their is a time and a place for it and whilst I would happily join in with a specific pro/anti debating post, its inappropriate to turn every post on here into a debate. I'm loving the user ignore and I hope now others have also done so, the forum will turn into a pleasant place for all of us again.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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every response ever scratchline, you have joined hho purely to post in hunting forum and cause trouble, you do not use any other part of hho, except latest news when thats about hunting. You are a troll in my mind.

To be fair, I havent given you any thought whatsoever. Stalker! :eek:)


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7 October 2004
Earth, somewhere....
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Disclaimer: This is just my opinion.
If any one can provide a rational arguement proving me wrong I would be glad to hear it.

OK, I don't read this forum religously, but the basic concensus among the Antis appears to be an objection to the killing of the fox at the end of the day.

If Hunts don't go out foxes still get killed, just not by hounds.

General alternatives are shooting, poisoning and snaring.
Shooting: unless you are at close range, or are a very good shot, the chances are that the fox will only be injured, not killed out right and will die at some later period.
Poisioning: I have had the misfortune of having to watch two of my dogs die from Strychnine poisioning. Poisioning is a SLOW & HORRIBLE way to go, no one (animal or human) should ever have to die that way. The only truly fast acting poisions are banned on H&S reasons becasue they are too leathal.
Snaring: if not killed out right the animal is caught till it starves to death, a slow and I think nasty way to go. Also snares are not selective in that you may get non-targeted animals.

Dogs are predators and fairly good at killing there prey, compared to some of the above options, I would have thought it would be a prettty quick way to go and at least they stand a chance of escaping. It may not be pretty but at least it is fast.

I would be interested (please keep your arguments rational) for both parties to post their opinions.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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Okay, I am a case on my own. Ive been around (on the forum) for over 5 years now and I have been pro, then anti and Im now hovering on the pro again :eek:. I am all for hunting the fox with hounds, I am against terrier work and digging. The people who post on the section of the HHO are, strangely enough, mostly pro hunting-I wonder why? Had this section been on the 'finer aspects of dressage', I would expect to see 'dressage enthusiasts' and not 'horseball players' . Im sure that the later would be made more than welcome so long as they didnt try to turn the section into 'their' sport. Im probably explaining myself badly here :eek:. Whatever the 'anti's' have to say-its been said a thousand times before and the pro's and many anti's are probably fed up hearing the same old thing time and time again. If you dont like hunting, then dont partake-its easy and painless and costs absolutely nothing. Have I made sense at all or have I just waffled away and bored everyone? Sorry, its been a hard day :( Mairi.-Remove the digging and Ill dig out my stock NOW!!!
PS, this post is aimed at Scratchline, or whatever the person is called. No offence meant :)


Well-Known Member
8 December 2008
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I don't use the other parts of this forum either, does that make me a troll too!!

No it makes you an avid hunter keen to discuss your passion, there are also dog lovers in the dog forum that rarely stray out of there and they are'nt trolls either! But I think it would be considered trolling if a newbie went in their only to try and discuss their views on why they believe all dogs should be abolished! :grin:


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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Okay, I am a case on my own. Ive been around (on the forum) for over 5 years now and I have been pro, then anti and Im now hovering on the pro again :eek:. I am all for hunting the fox with hounds, I am against terrier work and digging. The people who post on the section of the HHO are, strangely enough, mostly pro hunting-I wonder why? Had this section been on the 'finer aspects of dressage', I would expect to see 'dressage enthusiasts' and not 'horseball players' . Im sure that the later would be made more than welcome so long as they didnt try to turn the section into 'their' sport. Im probably explaining myself badly here :eek:. Whatever the 'anti's' have to say-its been said a thousand times before and the pro's and many anti's are probably fed up hearing the same old thing time and time again. If you dont like hunting, then dont partake-its easy and painless and costs absolutely nothing. Have I made sense at all or have I just waffled away and bored everyone? Sorry, its been a hard day :( Mairi.-Remove the digging and Ill dig out my stock NOW!!!
PS, this post is aimed at Scratchline, or whatever the person is called. No offence meant :)

None taken :eek:)) This is of course a forum for those who like to hunt. Lets hope they do so within the law. The only disagreements are between those who wish to see the return of a banned sport and those who dont. General discussion about legal hunting doesnt bring any disputes and indeed those who do wish to debate banned hunting are very few in number and all appear happy to carry on without condemnation of any kind and I believe it unecessary as the majority of us are doing so in a decent way without abuse or swearing etc.
Apart from the odd few who sadly just take us off ignore to abuse us before running away again :eek:) ( not yourself by the way).