Is this on


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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However, she did prolapse on the thursday and he did want to get her shot on the friday - but no can do, as the knackerman who collects his stock for free doesn't collect on fridays or the weekend...

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I'm shocked. I don't know any farmer that would leave an animal like this. Your local hunt would have dispatched her for free.

How terribly sad and cruel.

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Actually, they wouldn't. Neither was a baby cow. Even the hunt won't deal with the DEFRA rubbish on sheeps and goats!

If it makes you feel any better, the farmer was so in debt that he's probably closed down now... he had to pay out 400K in courts fees for being stupid enough to try and save his farm...

His income every year was wasted on hay he shouldn't have had to buy, and medication he shouldn't have needed to give.

By the time I worked for him, he'd been walking backwards for years - so yes, having paid to have a ewe removed on friday WAS too much for him to afford!!


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
north yorkshire
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i am the original posty

and i didnt mention fully why it was in the stable. it was in the stable because none of the sheep have bee sheared he has about 12 but he can not be bothered to shear them as he has only had sheep for about a year. he just finds it easier to leave them be. but recently they have being coming onto the yard from the fields and sitting in our stables but this perticualar sheep had maggots already eating her alive i dont know how. the yo did not want ot get the vet involved so he thought it would be easier just to keep her out the sun and hope that she gets better.



Well-Known Member
23 April 2006
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It doesn't really sound like your YO knows what he's doing with these sheep, perhaps you should buy him an idiots guide on sheep management!

Seriously though he needs to have a chat with a friendly farmer or his local TS office for some general guidance and advice before he loses all 12 of them.