Is this the same everywhere or does respect just not exist in the horse world?


Well-Known Member
6 April 2010
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Can't quite believe how racist people have been on this post!! :eek: and how acceptable people find it simply because it's about the French. That's equally as disgusting as the people the post is about. There's bullying & arrogance throughout the horse world, not specific to which country you are in. Maybe some of it has been lost in translation if you aren't completely fluent? Perhaps it's worth trying to discuss it with them. If not, keep smiling and acknowledging them.
And for everyone suggesting it's simply because their French, there are plenty of British traits & stereotypes that you lot would be extremely offended if it was suggested you fitted them.


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26 June 2008
Picardie France
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You know what I would just think **** them and **** *** to the lot of the them TBH. I would have given up trying to be nice and be accepted years ago.
It just isn't worth the effort, really!
People like that who go about nosing in everyone's business, being rude, arrogant and ignorant would not be worth any of my time or anyone elses.
What utter gits they appear to be.
Do not pander to them anymore.
I would stop the gifts, stop the offer of help and everything TBH because you are never going to be accepted.
The example being the neighbour who nods when alone but does not when others are present to me just tells me that this a place where gossip and misconceptions are rife. You are being seen as the 'outsider', someone who should not be there and someone that they clearly do not want in their village. It will never stop because of whispers. If one person takes a dislike to you ( seems like a couple have) then these people are making dammed sure that everyone else they appear to know feels the same.
Call it peer pressure or whatever you like, but they just won't accept you because this 'dislike' will get handed on to friends and handed down to generations.
Not being paranoid or getting carried away but I can really see these people telling their kids and family to have little or nothing to do with you.
Just ignore them and if they ever did come calling for help just answer the door and very politely in your best french tell them "Va te faire foutre, trouduc"

Couldn't help but laugh at that last bit :D I know what you mean, in 7 years of being friendly and starting conversation and complimenting there is still no one that talks to us. I litterally mean no one ! I can't think of one person that will smile or nod in the village, even though we offer help, offer drinks, start conversation and have used all the local tradesmen to do work for us (although they are asking 60 euros an hour !!!) I rode at the local stables and did a local show with them, went to college with people from the village. Where I work there are a few twits but there are everywhere! but I am respected, in the village though it's a totally different story. I always thought it was because this stables litterally has a massive role in the town and they have owned it for over 60 years and know everyone so because we apparently have 'beef' with them everyone has a problem with us. The only reason we can think why is because we didn't put our horse there on livery, although like I said we did enquire and they never replied. Now I'm reading the replies I'm thinking this probably has nothing to do with horse community, just the villagers that live there as we are ofcourse horrible English outcasts that are trying to invade :D


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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Can't quite believe how racist people have been on this post!! :eek: and how acceptable people find it simply because it's about the French. That's equally as disgusting as the people the post is about. There's bullying & arrogance throughout the horse world, not specific to which country you are in. Maybe some of it has been lost in translation if you aren't completely fluent? Perhaps it's worth trying to discuss it with them. If not, keep smiling and acknowledging them.
And for everyone suggesting it's simply because their French, there are plenty of British traits & stereotypes that you lot would be extremely offended if it was suggested you fitted them.

Couldn't agree more however myself personally I would still feel the same about these people if they were English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Brazilian, German, Austrian, Australian, African, Inuits....... in fact no matter what nation they 'belonged' to!
There is no need for such arrogance, ignorance and rudeness by anyone ( unless totally warranted). Life is too short to be an ********, or to be treated like one.
After many years of trying to fit in I'm afraid I would just give up on it, accept it and hope that one day Karma gets sweet revenge on these people :)


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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Couldn't help but laugh at that last bit :D I know what you mean, in 7 years of being friendly and starting conversation and complimenting there is still no one that talks to us. I litterally mean no one ! I can't think of one person that will smile or nod in the village, even though we offer help, offer drinks, start conversation and have used all the local tradesmen to do work for us (although they are asking 60 euros an hour !!!) I rode at the local stables and did a local show with them, went to college with people from the village. Where I work there are a few twits but there are everywhere! but I am respected, in the village though it's a totally different story. I always thought it was because this stables litterally has a massive role in the town and they have owned it for over 60 years and know everyone so because we apparently have 'beef' with them everyone has a problem with us. The only reason we can think why is because we didn't put our horse there on livery, although like I said we did enquire and they never replied. Now I'm reading the replies I'm thinking this probably has nothing to do with horse community, just the villagers that live there as we are ofcourse horrible English outcasts that are trying to invade :D

Hugs ((( ))) just ignore them, I would now. Not even give them the time of day. One day they may realise what utter twits they have been, for me personally that would be a day too late however. It reminds me of playground tiffs where one former friend is not talking to you because they fell out with such and such and 'you' are still talking to them. Or neighbour disputes of come and join my gang because I fell out with wotsit and 'you' shouldn't speak to them either.
I would just let them get on with it x


Well-Known Member
6 April 2010
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Couldn't agree more however myself personally I would still feel the same about these people if they were English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Brazilian, German, Austrian, Australian, African, Inuits....... in fact no matter what nation they 'belonged' to!
There is no need for such arrogance, ignorance and rudeness by anyone ( unless totally warranted). Life is too short to be an ********, or to be treated like one.
After many years of trying to fit in I'm afraid I would just give up on it, accept it and hope that one day Karma gets sweet revenge on these people :)

Oh, I'm not saying it's Okay for them to behave like that, it's nasty. I just think it's odd & unpleasant how acceptable people find this kind of racism :rolleyes:
Definately agree that life is too short, I'm counting down the days untill my pay rise allows me to leave my yard. I'm literally not allowed to look at the other horses because that's being judgemental, but get completely slated if mine mess about. Not a single person talks to me, but I try not to notice, just enjoy my horses and what I'm doing with them.