Is your horse shod?

Football fan or not?

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Well-Known Member
27 April 2004
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Mine isn't shod. Some would say that riding so little (mostly weekends in winter) is detrimental, as barefoot hooves need more 'conditioning' work, but I find that we do ok this way. If his feet aren't being worn down enough, I make an effort to do a 5hr 'road ride', to help wear the buggers down. It never works (I still have to trim!), but I live in hope!

Have you had a look at hoofboots for him?

Just spotted the bit about the horsewalker. This would be fantastic!!! Every barefooter would love to be able to do that!! 10 mins a day on concrete is ideal. Depending on any pathologies (collapsed/underrun/contracted heels, bruised toes - mine had this in his fronts from the toes being left too long when shod...etc) he should be fine to do that pretty much straight away. Make sure you disinfect his feet daily at first, as nail holes are open invitations for all sorts of nasties, which will weaken the hoof wall, soles, frogs, everything...I use a virkon 'paste' routinely (weekly) as mine don't have access to hard standing, so never dry out, but on a newly deshod horse, it would be daily for a week.