Not one bit!! Daughter has been riding for 10yrs, competing for 9 - I can honestly count on 1 hand how many times he's been to watch her. It really annoys me!
None really at all, but I think its more of an anti-thing he feels he should be. He's from a very horsey family but he never rode - so I think he's had horses pushed down his throat from a young age which has made him a bit anti them. He's been with me long enough too to see how much horses cost, how much of a responsibility they are and how much you have to give up to keep one! As a result, he thinks I've wasted my life messing with horses when I should have studied harder at uni and be in a much better paid job! Now we live together with a mortgage and bills to pay, I'm permanently poor because of the horses and I guess it bugs him! He does actually quite enjoy riding the few times I've got him on, but he hates all the faff that comes with them! With our first baby on the way, I'm already looking at little fluffy ponies for "it" so he'd better get used to the idea of becoming a Pony Club dad pretty quick!
My OH loves my horses - occasionally he will get them in for me if I can't get away from work early enough - he's pretty good at changing rugs, bringing in and feeding. He has actually just texted me asking "how are the girls today?" He's been all over the country with me to different hospitals when the mare was ill and was nearly as upset as me when I lost my old boy a couple of months ago. He used to ride the old boy occasionally out for a hack, but at the moment I don't have anything suitable for him to ride.
When I first set up home with my OH he had never owned a pet of any kind. Never. I found that really odd and started going on about getting a cat. It took a while before he agreed to it but soon after the cat arrived he had become her devoted slave ha ha!
Then he took riding lessons. Then we moved to the country and I got my first horse, who OH fell for in a big way (but then, so did everybody).
Now have two ponies and although he goes off them if I get injured by one of them, he does like them and will do things like picking up poos if he is home in time. And I have heard him cooing over them when he thinks no-one is there.
My ex had no interest whatsoever and hated that i spent so much time with my two boys.
New OH and i have only been together about 8 weeks and he's already mucking out, carrying water buckets about, filling nets.... he'll fix anything on the yard too. He's fab! If either of mine were in work i imagine he'd be on them!
No interest what so ever!! he will occasionally stroke them if he has to come to the field, but zero interest in riding them! just hoping our daughter takes more of an interest next year........
I am that OH.
I had my triathlon and motorcyles and bought the OH her 1st horse 2 years ago as a pressie.
Now i no longer have the motorcycles, never have time for triathlons as we are now a 2 horse family having just bought a 17h Chestnut Hannovarian TB X for me.
I'm now having at least 3 lessons a week and will be doing my 1st dressage test in Jan.
And i am such a soppy horse owner, I feel like something is missing if i don't see the boys every day.
They are on full and part livery but still spend at least 12 hrs with them over the weekend inc doing my own stable (for practice, as evidently i need to learn these things) and virtually every night either riding or just spending time bonding with William (my horse).
So in 2 years i've gone from nothing to 2 horses, spending all my non working time with them and significantly poorer than i've been in a long time - but happy and loving every minute of it.
(oh and i've already broken my sternum and a rib riding but not put off yet)
My hubby loves my big girl. He has long "conversations" with her. He absolutely adores her! She's very cuddly though and likes a lot of fuss.
He's not so fussed on the others though. He hates our Welshy with a passion because he's a grumpy little sod (the pony not my hubby!).
My hubby is quite handy. He's a farmer's son so is quite happy handling and helping out with the horses. He's good at injecting them when necessary which is good because I'm useless at it.
Nope, he used to take me to the yard, grumbled when I asked him to hold my stirrup to get on, and then he'd promptly get back in his nice warm car and watch DVDs on his laptop til I got back!
Nope but does recognise that I'm a much nicer person when I have them! Between horses at the moment due to the fact that we're renting and I think that secretly he can't wait for me to get another one and become nice again!
Nope. He may mention on his odd days 'have you ridden today? Did you have a nice time?' Aside from that, he is very hands off. I took a photo of him once holding my mare - he looked like it was a fire breathing human eating dragon!! lol
Saying that, he did make me a XC jump back in the summer, so he has got it in him - somewhere!!
He likes the horse and will give him a pat and help if I am stuck, plus do yard diy when asked, but day to day he would rather leave me to it as apparently its cold and smells at yard!! ;-)
VERY... but not as much as he is interested in his own. He hunts every week. Does XC and also gives me jump lessons and is always there for me on the ground when I am schooling. Invariably we end up arguing as I am "not listening"!! He works long hours (dairy farmer) so I tend to put them out, bring in, muck out and ride etc inbetween milking. He will drive me miles to a show and give ....mmmm... constructive.... critiscism by the ring side. He has never complained about buying feed, rugs tack etc. Sometimes though I wish it was just my hobby as he complains sometimes about the way I have done things.
When we had pones and then horses, my OH was quite interested when my daughters rode and liked the ponies. However when my daughters lost interest and I took over riding etc, he lost interest!!
Mine tries to pretend that he doesn't like them, but the other day I 'caught' him kissing my gelding on the nose He also does them for me pretty often as I'm often busy with uni/work and he does grumble but still does it= considering he'd never been near a horse when we met, he does well. Managed to persuade him to have one riding lesson, nearly managed to persuade him to have a big schoolmaster that was homeless, but that didn't come off
that is a fantastic pic Rosie lol, your OH does indeed look very pleased with himself
My hubs is slightly less interested than he used to be, now he's self employed he has less time for them but when he does have time he'll come and watch daughter ride or help out with the odd jobs
and as you can see from this pic he was rather taken with the foals when we went to pick one for our daughter
My OH is just as horsey as me. We met when OH brought his novice eventer to be stabled at our yard, 7 years on and we have now have 2 horses so I am really lucky
My OH isnt particularly horsey, although his parents have 7 and he grew up around them. Unlike my ex, though, he doesnt care how long i spend at the yard (he knows the longer I'm there, the more chilled out I will be!) and he doesnt complain how much I spend on the horses. When we first got together, I made it clear that I would spend as much time as I wanted at the yard and, if ever I was made to choose between him and the horses, the horses would always win, hands down! He has his interests and I have mine. He knows i like to go to the yard on my own as it's really the only time i get 'me' time and he respects this, although he does always ask after the horses though!!
Sort of, he'll feed them for me and asks after them when I've been up. But I think he's a bit scared of them and he hates the cold and dirt. I do wish he would take more of an interest and be more involved sometimes, but on other occasions I'm glad its *my* hobby and I have the time to myself at the yard.
I too am lucky as mine helps with most things, he even flew out of bed at the weekend to help as my two were in together and didn't want to come in. He will come to watch x country, but draws the line at dressage. The best thing he did was to drive the lorry to the first few shows I took my new horses to, so I could concentrate on the riding.
My OH isn't really interested at all. Before he was with me he was petrified of his mum's horse as when he was young he got rolled on by the family Shetland, Hamish. I know I shouldn't laugh but the image in my head is just too funny haha! At times I would like him to be more involved and interested but when he does things wrong it winds me up with my poor man getting the brunt of it, bless him. I should be happy that he does try sometimes but my horses are my get away from the real world and even though at times it's all one big rush - to me it's so relaxing! Always feel 10 times happier once I've been out and seen to my babies
At first mildly interested but horse was too small/flighty and used to female voices to interact much with him and OH knew he came second which probably didn't help!
Then I got another... and OH was so interested he stole the horse!
My Hubby reckons my horse actually belongs to him! Although he would never get on a horse he can do anything with them or around the yard jobs. Always stacks my hay & straw for me, is the best groom imaginable, studs up etc which is fab if you have got stuck in traffic on the way to an event!!!
My OH is autistic and has a wonderful relationship with my mare. Infact the first 6 months I had her she preferred him to me. He'll do anything round the yard, is fabulous when things are stressful or going wrong, comes up at least once a week to get his 'fix', comes to shows etc. He also always asks after her.
We're a little family (OH, horse, cats and I) and he is involved in all decisions regarding her. When we have enough money we will get something for him to ride as she's a little too fine & sensitive. I find it amazing how much more communicative and expressive he is able to be in her presence, but what I find more amazing is how every horse I've met has responded incredibly to him.
He loved my two old boys that we lost, his relationship to little River was touching to see and on days when I couldn't get the ginger thug to do anything I'd hand him over to OH and instantly have a calm horse.
My mare also naps to him when we're out competing if she can see him!
I've had relationships where they weren't interested and it always causes a problem somewhere down the line. OH understands we have a responsibility to her.