It only took 7 months but...we're back in work!!!!


Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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Hi Everyone.... as the title states Cudo and I are finally back at it after 7 months off. And remember that before that I was only in work for November and part of December thanks to my accident in September. So I would say this is more like 8.5 months off all told.

I decided it had been enough time and a friend has put together a charity Puissance class on 9/12. Ironically the 1 year anniversary of my accident. I thought about it and with 2 months prep I feel reasonably confident that we could handle the first round at least (at 1m) and I want to help out the charity I have chosen. So we're going to compete, but only as much as he and I both are sound and comfy to do so. I don't need to win and I won't sacrifice Cudo to do so. Even if I have to scratch I am wanting to help all the charities that the other riders have chosen by showing up and fundaising. You can see details on the class here:

The folks I am riding for is the Virginia Tech Helmet Lab which is about to do a study on ALL riding helmets and their comparable safety so that we can get rid of the ridiculous ASTM helmet standard and create a new 5* certification system that outlines which helmets are safest in all of the various tested areas. As a supporter of MIPS helmets I am already doing the best I can for my brain but ultimately I know that we need a better system to know which helmets are more safe than the rest. This study will cost $450,000 and The USEF and the USHJA are both donating to it but that doesn't pay for it all. So any money we can raise can potentially get it started that much quicker.

Back to Cudo, he's a bit rounder than he was and to be fair I have what we lovingly call the COVID Donut around my"love handles" so I had John out last night to document ride #5 back and so I posted an update with an album of pics on Facebook. It's a public page so you should be able to see it without having to friend me or even have a FB acct.....I think

Here's the link:

I hope you all are faring well in these strange times!!!!

All my best,



Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Welcome back! Glad youve made a recovery, that was quite some accident. Hope it’s onwards and upwards for you both from here on in. I too have been working on my Covid doughnut haha (Horse too but I’m far more strict on him than I am myself!).


Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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Just to clarify I was recovered in November. My break was because I give the horses off over the winter and right when I would have started riding, Covid hit and generally the population was asked to limit our risky behaviors so as not to be in/ end up in the hospitals as they were worried about the beds needed if Covid hit, well like it's hitting now.

So I've let all the boys carry on and have a long vacation. I rode a handful of times but now we're at the point where we have to get them back to to help reduce their weight, add fitness and we'll at least try to push to ride into January to make up for the time off.



Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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Nice to know you're back in action. How is your youngster?

A bit less fat than Cudo. A bit longer mane that I need to pull. He doesn't mind the flies as much as Cudo so he doesn't 'need' the Fabio look to protect him from our biting flies.

He'll likely be started back to his work this weekend while Cudo has a couple days off. (He was pulsed today and always gets 2-3 days off after)

We are due to have record heat Sunday-Tuesday so it'll be interesting to see exactly how early or how late I can ride to beat the heat. We have highs forecast to be around 43 degrees Celsius each day. So not exactly a temp I feel like riding in. It does appear to be forecast to be around a low of 22 Celsius most nights, so I might try riding between 5am-7am. We'll see. Have to be at work by 8am.

Chad, as a 6 yr old, has a bit more energy and he's had more time off from all his 2019 maladies, so we will likely start back slowly to road walks and light work in the ring to get all his parts moving and gaining strength appropriately. He looks well and is strutting around the farm like he owns the place.
