It's like walking a baby kangaroo


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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Does this mean you have got the pup? I followed the other thread but never did catch an update...
Delighted for you and lil whippet if you did!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Does this mean you have got the pup? I followed the other thread but never did catch an update...
Delighted for you and lil whippet if you did!

I walked a saluki/whippet pup today . . . and yesterday . . . make of that what you will ;). My collie crosses had loads of fun too!



Well-Known Member
3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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Oh PS I think you should tell us what has happened. We all followed your anguish and would love a 'happy ever after' ending.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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She is currently asleep on my sofa . . . not sure whether or not she is staying - that will depend on whether or not she integrates well with our existing two dogs . . . I really want her to stay . . . but even if we decide we need to find her another loving home, she won't be where she was. She has completely stolen my heart . . . and I really want to keep her . . . but it isn't just about me . . . however, she has a soft warm place to sleep, puppy food, kindness and no'one yells at or kicks her here, or frightens or intimidates her . . . nor will they if she is adopted into another home after us . . . I will turn her over to the shelter who gave us our two existing dogs . . . they have an excellent track record and I will make sure they are aware of her background.

I'll keep you posted - my original plan was to rescue her/remove her from the sad environment she was in . . . I've achieved that - my next hope is to keep her here - we'll see. She is very laid back and easy going and both of my two like her (despite her haroo-ing at them on walks - they find that rather disconcerting) . . . so I'm hopeful, but I have to be fair to my two doglets too.

That said, walking the three of them today was hilarious . . . she hasn't grown into her limbs yet and she really is like a cross between a kangaroo and a fawn . . . we are currently calling her The Supermodel what with her long limbs and built-in eyeliner :). She charged into the lake simply because the other two did . . . and then looked horrified that she was DIRTY and WET! I laughed out loud. She retreated to the shore and looked utterly appalled. Like I said, I love her.

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Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i had to come back to this thread as i was dying to know if you had got her....i think more piccies are required now!!!!!!!!! great news that she is out of the pen and safe with you, lets hope she can stay as you obviously want her to..


Well-Known Member
3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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Really good news, so far so good. Do hope she stays. I rescued a young greyhound/whippet after my two flatcoats were well established as MY girls and the youngster was accepted no trouble. As long as you are fair with your attention, its just like not having favourites with children.
Do keep us updated and good luck.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Contrary to expectations, Fred has taken to her straight away . . . Daisy, however, was VERY put out to start with and wouldn't even deign to share the sofa with her . . . as I type, however, Daisy is asleep on the sofa with Luna cuddled up on top of her!

Our biggest issue is night time . . . she is a good sleeper, but only if she is ON me . . . which isn't feasible for a few reasons. I tried her with a crate this morning when I went up to the yard and she cut her face trying to get out - so that's a non-starter . . . I will have to think outside the box, but I know it is achievable with time and patience.

I really do love this little ballerina-y, princess-y girl . . . Fred and Daisy (my collie crosses) are all bustle and go, love to get dirty and wet, rough-and-tumble dogs . . . Luna is all elegance, delicacy and refinement - with the odd twirly, boingy moment thrown in.

I'll try and take some pictures of her with the others this weekend.



Well-Known Member
3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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Glad the other dogs are beginning to accept her.
Surely as an experienced dog owner you know there is more to crate training than just shutting them in it! Don't give up, preferably enlist Cayla's help.
Its such a rod for your back if the dog will only sleep with you. Best of luck its early days yet.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Glad the other dogs are beginning to accept her.
Surely as an experienced dog owner you know there is more to crate training than just shutting them in it! Don't give up, preferably enlist Cayla's help.
Its such a rod for your back if the dog will only sleep with you. Best of luck its early days yet.

She's been in the crate before . . . she gets fed in it, she snoozes in it during the day, it's the first time I've left her in it (first time she'd been left without a human).



9 July 2012
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You've gone public :D I agree with what the others have said, stick with it for the crate training and it will come - I've been there with them, they do learn :) And please don't rehome her or I will be obliged to offer her a home :p


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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My saluki has to sleep on me, he's a giant but is quite bendy and long so he's not too much of a burden on/in the bed :p when they aren't in insanity mode they are complete lazy loungers, mine is currently upside down hanging half off the bed whilst dreaming. Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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I don't really mind her sleeping on me . . . but Daisy does and it doesn't send a great message when new dog in the house gets to sleep ON Mum :(.

Last night, both Luna and Daisy took turns - which meant I didn't get much sleep but they were both happy . . . yes, yes, I know.

I've just walked the terrible trio and she's getting the hang of running with the pack and NOT haroo-ing/"lurching" at them - Fred has told her, in no uncertain terms, that it is RUDE . . but it is lovely to see the three of them haring about :). Fred disgraced himself by rolling in fox poo - something he hasn't done for a very long time - I've bathed him, but the boot of the car absolutely reeks . . . any clues on how to get the smell out?

It's amazing how much she reminds me of our old lurcher Tilly - she was a staffy/whippet so nowhere near as elegant, but she was still a total princess about getting wet or (God forbid) muddy . . . but wouldn't hesitate to roll in exceptionally smelly things like fox poo, deer/pigeon/fox carcasses, etc.

She makes me smile with her antics/bounciness, but she really is soft as butter and SO polite (which is amazing considering how she has been brought up so far).

I'm going to have to get her a harness, though - she slips that collar of hers far too easily.



Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Pleased you finally got her :) I've just posted a thread on dog walking in Cyprus rescue.. There's a lovely Saluki in the kennels but I've not walked her/him yet but I suspect from its antics in the run that it'll be lively :)


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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Pleased you finally got her :) I've just posted a thread on dog walking in Cyprus rescue.. There's a lovely Saluki in the kennels but I've not walked her/him yet but I suspect from its antics in the run that it'll be lively :)

It's not that she's lively as in a handful . . . it's just that she seems to have some difficulty controlling those long limbs of hers sometimes so looks quite kangaroo-like. She's prone to bursts of speed and then is quite content to trot alongside me in between. My other two dogs (both collie crosses), however, despite being in their doggy middle age will spend the whole time running - flat out. I do have to remember that she is still just a baby and has led quite a confined life until now . . . she must be six months old now so must have done most of her growing - now it will be all about filling out/strengthening all those joints/tendons, etc.

Have fun walking the saluki . . . and make sure you're in a relatively enclosed space b/c saluki deafness can kick in if they see something small and furry to chase ;).



Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Thanks for the warning :) I'd better make sure she has the right collar on as it'd be very embarrassing to lose her and I can't imagine she's got any recall


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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I recommend a snuggle sack for sleeping. I have the ones from but I think there may be cheaper on eBay.

Stanley, the IG, would by choice choose my lap to sleep on but the snuggle sack comes a close second. Even though he is no longer regularly created, if I chuck his sack in, he's happy as larry.