Joint supplements for arthritic horses


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22 January 2014
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Do you believe in them? I came across a table which puts Flexability Professional as being the highest spec supplement money can buy and I'm considering giving it a punt.

I was about to buy Yumove as my friend has had great results with her dog, but then came across a table on here showing FP as being a much better spec.

I have fed him liquid boswelia but can't say I've noticed a difference, but he's thoroughly managed by the vet and kept sound with steroids when needed so I'm not sure there would be a "difference" to notice. Guess I'm looking for a supplement to help long term.

Pic of the shiney happy beast after his winter hols.



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29 October 2015
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I've started feeding this to one of mine that's is starting to show arthritic changes in his hocks. It's high spec and comes highly recommended. The physio and farrier (he was getting reluctant to hold up his back legs) are both happy that it's making a positive difference. It does contain Devils Claw though, so you may not be able to compete at some levels on it, so best to check rules.


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24 June 2012
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I think it's trial and error as to what works for different horses really. I've got mine on the Science Supplements Professional which is a similar spec to the Feedmark one but a bit more palatable. He's also had both Steroids and Arthramid though so I don't really know what made the difference but am now too afraid to drop the joint supplement!

I don't think it will harm to try something but if he's sound with the steroids etc then I agree it's going to be difficult for you to see any difference. Maybe it will make you feel like you're helping him long term and that will make you feel better or maybe you might be able to go longer between steroid injections. I don't think it can harm anyway. I'm fairly cynical about most supplements to be honest but that doesn't stop me feeding an awful lot of them!


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5 May 2015
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Currently have my husband's standardbred on equine america no bute (boswelia) and Devils claw.
He's 16 this year and I had noticed him starting to show some stiffness first thing. He didn't quite do his usual steam train walk to the field in the mornings. I've noticed a massive difference, mainly that I can no longer feel my arm again when turning him out.
I know my friend had massive success with glucosamine but it didn't seem to make any difference when I tried it on hubby's gelding.
I think it's just a case of trial and error to see which suits your horse best.


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11 November 2020
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Boswellia is an anti inflammatory so if he’s been given steroids this might not be showing the same amount of benefit as you would non medicated. I feed it to my oldie which keeps the joints from swelling which makes her less stiff. I fed her joint supplements for years as a preventative. I now just give them forage plus balancer, and the oldie extra micronised linseed & the Boswellia. Seems to do the job

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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No, I don’t believe in them if I’m honest. I literally tried everything for months at a time, fed at maximum levels (so costed a bomb) and saw no difference. The only thing I definitely saw improvement was either Devils claw or Boswelia.

ETA my horse was 9 and had neck arthritis
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Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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To add, the levels of everything in Yumove is very low when you look into it. Riaflex is a very good company, I fed the joint supplement for years to the dogs.


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22 April 2014
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my vet physio recommended spillers supple and senior balancer. (I know you didn't ask for a balancer) but it has all the correct amounts of 'stuff' in it. She doesn't generally recommend balancers or compound feeds but she really rates it. I've noticed a difference with B since he has been on it, but this also coincides with him wearing magnetic bands and doing his stretches and exercises daily that the physio left for him.


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10 December 2008
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I've tried many over the years and can honestly say I think he's no different on them or not. He's on nothing now - late 20s, retired due to coffin joint arthritis, a bit stiff on cold mornings but otherwise doing really well. He was on boswellia last winter and was just the same. He was on turmeric the winter before (the winter we retired him as he was particularly bad) and we've tried all sorts of glucosamine, chondroitin and msm (or something with three letters!) since he was first diagnosed as a 12 year old. I honestly don't think I saw a difference, except to my wallet. I imported one from America at great cost and it did nothing.


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17 May 2013
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I use one which my vets have formulated and sell. It contains more Boswellia than most other brands. Costs a fortune though - about £200 for 3 months' supply :eek:


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25 February 2016
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A lot of vets are recommending bosmerix (sp?) and I did see some improvement with the Appy on it. Works out about the same as Bute cost wise.

Equine answers do one with and one without devil's claw so you could try their one without. I've had good results with it where Boswellia didn't help.

The other thing that really helped one of mine was green mussel extract but I couldn't get it from my normal supplier so am trying something else.

What about cartrophen injections?


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15 April 2015
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My vet recommended Bosmerix ( only available from vets) as he had seen promising results with ex racehorses amongst others- he’s not one to recommend or try and sell products that he doesn’t believe in -I even got a free sample box of 20 sachets to try. The cost of Bosmerix works out to roughly the same as a good joint supplement, although you do buy it in boxes of enough for two months at a time. I can honestly say that the difference in my then 22 year old was notable- the physio and my instructor both noticed a real difference and have since recommended Bosmerix to others. Another horse on my yard who was on a joint supplement, swapped to Bosmerix also and the difference was marked with her too- now wanting to stretch down when she never had previously.
So, that would be my personal recommendation. I’ve used a number of joint supplements in the past, but this one definitely worked!


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30 October 2012
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My vet recommended Bosmerix ( only available from vets) as he had seen promising results with ex racehorses amongst others- he’s not one to recommend or try and sell products that he doesn’t believe in -I even got a free sample box of 20 sachets to try. The cost of Bosmerix works out to roughly the same as a good joint supplement, although you do buy it in boxes of enough for two months at a time. I can honestly say that the difference in my then 22 year old was notable- the physio and my instructor both noticed a real difference and have since recommended Bosmerix to others. Another horse on my yard who was on a joint supplement, swapped to Bosmerix also and the difference was marked with her too- now wanting to stretch down when she never had previously.
So, that would be my personal recommendation. I’ve used a number of joint supplements in the past, but this one definitely worked!
What are the active ingredients of bosmerix aside from boswellia?


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2 March 2008
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I used Flexability pro after seeing the same chart.
Its very expensive, and you have to give an awful lot of it
Recently changed to Bestflex HA, and I have noticed a positive difference in the horse.
If you look out for deals on Feedmark, you can get really good prices. Recently had 50% off, bought 2. By the time I need again they will prob have another deal.


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25 February 2016
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That’s interesting he hasn’t mentioned them. I’ll have a look in to that!
They even made a difference to my heavy horse - but he's awful to inject and we both decided the stress wasn't worth it. I'd use cartrophen again if it was one I wanted to keep in work and didn't have a hide like a rhino to inject.


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23 August 2010
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our vet recs cartrophen

but my arthritic knee tells me, after experimentation the best relief comes from warmth, in winter, day and night, for a horse i would bandage with polar fleece at night, or leg warmers, or any time in stable, drug free low cost, takes away discomfort


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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our vet recs cartrophen

but my arthritic knee tells me, after experimentation the best relief comes from warmth, in winter, day and night, for a horse i would bandage with polar fleece at night, or leg warmers, or any time in stable, drug free low cost, takes away discomfort

Ha, I would love to. But this horse is not one you can bandage. Or even put back boots on other than xc. He finds them highly irritating and just thrashes around.


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25 August 2010
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Ha, I would love to. But this horse is not one you can bandage. Or even put back boots on other than xc. He finds them highly irritating and just thrashes around.

My Louis is the same but he will tolerate the thermatex wraps I can leave them on all night and his fine, I also put them on just before I ride if it's really cold in effect they don't really cover the hock but warm the leg up a but I suppose.


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22 January 2014
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My Louis is the same but he will tolerate the thermatex wraps I can leave them on all night and his fine, I also put them on just before I ride if it's really cold in effect they don't really cover the hock but warm the leg up a but I suppose.

I have tried the Thermotex ones. He simply kicks out and shifts them, and gets stressed. Not worth the trouble.


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3 March 2009
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Our boy has arthritic hocks. There's a noticeable difference to his comfort levels with Bettalife Pharmaquin. His paces definitely improve and he's much better on the Shropshire hills!

The dogs also do well on it. They've been working this season and my OH commented on how much more lively the older two were, when he didn't know they were on the supplement.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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I have used FLexability Pro, and did notice a difference, when I have never seen any change in him on any other joint supps. I have however, started using cartrophen instead - and that makes a huge difference.
I have also stumbled across Equimins Inflamerase, which works a treat when he needs a bit of extra help in the weeks before he's due a cartrophen jab


Well-Known Member
13 September 2010
Oop Norf
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I use the science supplemements flexability plus as I couldnt justify the cost of the pro just yet, I did try the feedmark pro and have also tried equimins flexijoint which I am tempted to go back to as I think its doing the same job as the flexability but at a lower price (I switched due to same chart...)


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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No, I don’t believe in them if I’m honest. I literally tried everything for months at a time, fed at maximum levels (so costed a bomb) and saw no difference. The only thing I definitely saw improvement was either Devils claw or Boswelia.

ETA my horse was 9 and had neck arthritis
Have to agree. I’ve tried so many and it feels a bit like I may as well just be burning more money.


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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I have used FLexability Pro, and did notice a difference, when I have never seen any change in him on any other joint supps. I have however, started using cartrophen instead - and that makes a huge difference.
I have also stumbled across Equimins Inflamerase, which works a treat when he needs a bit of extra help in the weeks before he's due a cartrophen jab

How long do they generally last on yours? My vet mentioned a 'gel' injection which is more expensive than the steriod injection, but will last a lot longer. He was sort of suggesting it would probably out live B. would that be the same thing or am I confusing cartophen with something else?