Jumping Advice!!


Well-Known Member
17 February 2008
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Hello All,

Wanted some jumping advice, not sure if i should put this in competition riders! but anyway!!

Some background:- I ride a horse for a lady, and have schooled and competed him for the past 2 years. He has done up to newcomers, with the *hope* of starting to do foxhunters next year.

Anyway the problems i need help with! When i first started riding him the main problem was to get him to lengthen his stride, as he had a very backward canter, that was very short and tight with no ummmph!! He is now a lot better, but can still do with some work - any ideas? I work him in for the first 10 mins with a long rein, in walk,trot,canter getting him off my leg! then long a low a lot getting him to bend round my leg and really opening up.

Right so now the jumping - i am finding that he is increasing depending on me to see the stride and to tell him where to take off - i cannot see this for him every single time and i need to change this, and get him to help me out more.
i know this is down to me, and me pushing him for strides, so today i put up a little cross pole and straight to see what happens, he got in deep everytime and was putting in little chips before the jumps! My leg was still on but i just wasnt pushing for anything.

So anyway some pics of me and him jumping:-



Any CC welcome on my position etc!!



Well-Known Member
20 July 2008
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how about free schooling or lunging him over some jumps with and without a stride pole, then do some jumping with no reins and let him find his own way to the jump.