Well-Known Member
Bit suggestions, ideally that I can hire/buy with trial period as prefer not to spend £££ on bits that will sit in my tack box collecting dust!
Bits for a keen but sensitive horse, who very easily bruises/rubs on the inside of his lips (where you’d say the corners of the mouth are but on the inside). Currently in a sprenger duo universal with kineton, kineton was a good addition but I’m just not quite happy with the bit. I don’t get quite the responses I’m wanting, if I try and take a pull his immediate response is fighting/head chucking/chomping so much he bruises his bars. Steering could also be better for this reason. Generally likes a fairly stable bit, but having a little bit of play in it helps get his attention.
I’m sure it is partly a schooling issue, but it’s hard to school him “through” it when I know he’s causing damage to himself. Generally, he’s great. But as I’m starting to want to step up the levels I need to be able to set him up effectively. On the flat he’s brill, barely need any rein to steer, quick to move off leg/weight, no pulling required to slow down. I have regular flatwork/jump lessons, am not heavy with my hands (I’ve asked multiple instructors to check it’s not me pulling too much!)
Plain hackamore is no good, tried it but was a disaster. It works for hacking/giving his mouth a break but no finesse whatsoever.
I have had a bit/bridle fitter to him, and his bit suggestions for flatwork are working great, but they’re not quite working for jumping. In an ideal world I’d have a consultation for this specifically but it’s not possible for the next few months for various reasons. Regular dental work done by BAEDT and no problems, last done 1mo ago. No lameness/ulcers/KS etc.
I know I’ll get a million different answers, but I’m all for new ideas! I’m at a loss if thicker or thinner is better, as thicker helps stop the inside lip problems but appears to cause bad bruises instead. He has quite a big tongue so thin bits technically should suit better.
What we’ve tried so far:
HP lip relief loose ring snaffle (flatwork bit) - not great brakes, rubbed inside his lip
Expert bits barrel hanging cheek - as above
Trust D ring snaffle - similar but bruised bars instead
Waterford universal - very chompy/unsettled in his mouth, cut the corners (possibly might be better in a smaller size?)
Sprenger duo universal - best so far
ETA. When he chucks his head, it tends to be downwards between fences/when turning, but up in the air and launch forwards on the last few strides into a fence
Bits for a keen but sensitive horse, who very easily bruises/rubs on the inside of his lips (where you’d say the corners of the mouth are but on the inside). Currently in a sprenger duo universal with kineton, kineton was a good addition but I’m just not quite happy with the bit. I don’t get quite the responses I’m wanting, if I try and take a pull his immediate response is fighting/head chucking/chomping so much he bruises his bars. Steering could also be better for this reason. Generally likes a fairly stable bit, but having a little bit of play in it helps get his attention.
I’m sure it is partly a schooling issue, but it’s hard to school him “through” it when I know he’s causing damage to himself. Generally, he’s great. But as I’m starting to want to step up the levels I need to be able to set him up effectively. On the flat he’s brill, barely need any rein to steer, quick to move off leg/weight, no pulling required to slow down. I have regular flatwork/jump lessons, am not heavy with my hands (I’ve asked multiple instructors to check it’s not me pulling too much!)
Plain hackamore is no good, tried it but was a disaster. It works for hacking/giving his mouth a break but no finesse whatsoever.
I have had a bit/bridle fitter to him, and his bit suggestions for flatwork are working great, but they’re not quite working for jumping. In an ideal world I’d have a consultation for this specifically but it’s not possible for the next few months for various reasons. Regular dental work done by BAEDT and no problems, last done 1mo ago. No lameness/ulcers/KS etc.
I know I’ll get a million different answers, but I’m all for new ideas! I’m at a loss if thicker or thinner is better, as thicker helps stop the inside lip problems but appears to cause bad bruises instead. He has quite a big tongue so thin bits technically should suit better.
What we’ve tried so far:
HP lip relief loose ring snaffle (flatwork bit) - not great brakes, rubbed inside his lip
Expert bits barrel hanging cheek - as above
Trust D ring snaffle - similar but bruised bars instead
Waterford universal - very chompy/unsettled in his mouth, cut the corners (possibly might be better in a smaller size?)
Sprenger duo universal - best so far
ETA. When he chucks his head, it tends to be downwards between fences/when turning, but up in the air and launch forwards on the last few strides into a fence