i dont jump unless i have to, or the jump is small and inviting- Red, who i hunt, is 18, and although i know he would jump anything, he's my OH's, and i wouldn't want Redster to get hurt.
They are that but sometime I think the jockey's are tapped!!
I remember our last legal day when I got my face smashed up! We had a Grand National jockey out with us, he held my horse up agaist a bank to get back on (was that grey jumping wire in fact) & Dom said "you lot are mental! With what you jump!) I was like how can you say that hurtling round the Grand National!!
hehe, I suppose it's what you get used to really isn't it.. Rob Whit come out with us a bit and gets dead excited if we jump big walls and stuff - I would have thought it would be a walk in the park compared to what he's used to!
I used to jump everything on my cob, unless there was a gate open in which case we would go round. Our hunt used to jump ffor the sake of jumping, so do a line of hedges a couple of times... so you never needed to jump when thee was a gate there, often it was a welcome break!!! Although we did once jump a footpath skinny style gate thing... O Goddy I am very picky about. Would never jump wire on either of my horses.
On our vale days there is a lot of hedge hopping etc and going round and round but the going is exceptionally deep. After doing the hedges once or twice I stop at the top of the hill to give the pony a breather. Once you've jumped them once - you know you can do them!!
I find with my current pony I am happy to attempt anything except wire on her. My big old hunter was the same. Wire I just worry they can't see it. The placing of hunt coats over the wire does do the job though!!
i jump everything you have to unless my pony is really tiring and the jump is big - then i find a way round (can be easy on a small pony sometimes just to go through / under things!)
I just take a view on how much petrol is in the tank, i don't usually jump the optional sutff unless its something really fun.
If pony starts tiring she starts knocking things so i need to get balance just right but usually are ok.
Oh but we go round hedges, havent done one yet, not sure why they just give me the heebie jeebies, will get a grip soon and do one
I'm the other way around to most people - I find my little mare takes a while to warm up so I don't jump silly things right at the start of the day, but as she's a silly fizzy thing once she's warmed up she tends to have ample amounts of energy, so then we jump everything we can - she gets very tetchy if other people are jumping and she's not I'll quite happily put her at most things, I trust her impeccably so if its jumpable, we'll give it a go!!
my horse is never the type to get tired and make 'accidents' so i jump anything and everything! and even at the end of the day he is rearing to go for another 2 hours and jump more big hedges/rails/walls etc...so tbh i just jump evrything LOL!