

Well-Known Member
20 August 2012
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I used to jump my horse 3ft, however I haven't jumped him bigger than 2ft6 in years now. He probably hasn't jumped bigger than 2ft3 in a year now.

However, I want to take him out again and get back jumping. He is perfectly healthy but is just over 15. One of my excuses is that he hasn't jumped big for so long now he won't be up to it. Obviously, I wouldn't just go into jumping 3ft but is it possible to get him back up jumping 3ft even though his not done it in about 5 years? He also won't be doing it a massive amount as can't afford to compete a lot and would never compete at 3ft but like to jump bigger at home than at shows. Plus, it means I can take him out hunting again and actually jump the jumps and not avoid them which is really the only time he'll be jumping the full 3ft if needed.

Can he do it?

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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If he is sound there is no reason he could not start again, plenty of horses far older are out competing at all levels, I would just make sure he is fit enough and do a gradual build up with him to get you both going again.
Jumping will mean he uses his muscles in a different way so some gymnastic jumping exercises and good schooling work will help him strengthen and use himself properly in preparation.