cauda equina
Well-Known Member
Especially as how the police treat women is currently a pretty hot topic
I won’t If I was you you never now when you need the police they could be unwilling to help you if something happened to your horses and you needed them. It would be the one day that you would meet the same police officers. I not defeating the police actions.
I won’t If I was you you never now when you need the police they could be unwilling to help you if something happened to your horses and you needed them. It would be the one day that you would meet the same police officers. I not defeating the police actions.
As long as the complaint was made in a reasonable fashion, I very much doubt that this would happen. Police deal with people who do simply awful things and then still turn up to help when they are in trouble.
I am glad to be out of it.
Go too slow, you are berated for being too long getting there, or public or colleagues are injured, or people get away.
Don't put lights and sirens on when going faster, you are berated for not warning people of your approach.
Put lights and sirens on, you are berated as people don't like it.
I fully agree that dangerous driving needs dealing with but it seems you thought they were actually safe so it would seem churlish for you to complain about that.
The rudeness I would complain about. It sounds unprofessional. It sounds aggressive. It was certainly unnecessary and inappropriately done.
Especially as how the police treat women is currently a pretty hot topic
exactly. Report it and he’ll probably get the sack.
Seems a bit harsh! But perhaps some training is called forexactly. Report it and he’ll probably get the sack.
It’s unlikely he’ll be sacked, recruitment is dire currently, but he’ll be investigated if a complaint is made.
Ask for his body cam footage, it should have been on. He’ll be found easily enough if you give an accurate time.
They should be able to track down the car and drivers if you can detail the road you were on (coordinates via google maps would be even better) and at what time -- police cars should have GPS trackers in them. I made a complaint about one using lights and sirens to turn right at a "no right turn" junction, nearly wiping out a motorbike (accident blackspot), who then immediately turned into the bloody McDonalds at the next corner. They took details about the time and location and said they'd identified the driver.
You need to get the complaint in sooner rather than later to stop the camera data from being "mysteriously" lost.
He sounds like a wanker and should definitely report him but I'm really not sure why friend was shaking her head?
What extra training over and above passing the basic driving tests do police officers who drive immediate response vehicles (those who are permitted to use lights and sirens) get?
Wiki suggests that they are 'trained and permitted to disregard certain traffic laws and use the siren'. Are they fully trained and qualified Advanced Drivers?
I was nearly taken out by a police car in a head on on a blind bend on a notoriously dangerous narrow NSL A road near here. It was dark and the police car fully crossed over the double white lines into my path. That is not what they teach at advanced driving school. I should have reported it, but didn't, it was before we got dash cam.
If he was driving in a manner not permitted for his level it was extra stupid to draw attention to himself by ticking off your friend
I bet he wouldn't have done it if he'd known who he was dealing with; which makes reporting him all the more important
Very worrying behaviour from a police officer and I’d say your friend is almost obliged to report this. Sounds like he is in the job for the power trip and that could go very wrong at some point.