Just to clarify (re Poseidon rumour)...


Well-Known Member
30 March 2007
Oxford and London
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dozziesmummy I do take your point - and thank you for putting it so tactfully and pleasantly: a textbook example of how to make a point without causing offence.

I suppose that's what I was trying to say - much less eloquently! - when I said that anything nice/happy that I post about my boy could be seen as 'promotion', even if it isn't intended that way.

Same as any of the stud-owners on here posting photos of their foals (almost all of which are for sale) or their stallions (who are at stud) could be seen as promotion/advertising.

But it seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong!) that this is a very friendly forum, and there is a tacit understanding amongst ourselves that posting photos of our horses (whether they be stallions, mares or foals) and proudly giving news of their achievements is OK, and is not regarded as promotion or advertising - even if very occasionally one of us does buy a foal from another, or send a mare to their stallion.

The latter is less likely to happen in my case than almost any other stallion-owner on here, as you rightly pointed out that there are no other Arab-breeders on here! If I wanted to promote him, I would not choose a forum devoted almost entirely to WB and TB sport horses!!! Trying to promote Tobago on here would be like Ken trying to promote his clients' stallions on Arabian Lines!!!

Speaking of which - Ken I'm afraid there is really no comparison between us. You sell semen. To make money, as a business. The stallions you represent are not your pets or your friends - they are money-making products, and promoting them is your livelihood. That is fine, and you are a very good and successful salesman. But when I post on here, my motives as a one-horse hobby-owner who is not in this for money are very different from yours. Please try to understand that - everyone else does.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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Good job really eh Ken!

Kate, you cannot be knocked for being justly proud of your boy! As you rightly say, you are a one horse owner and you are personally attached to him and IMO his successes with his first crop is not far short of astounding, esp. considering the low number of them.

I agree with DM re. how all stallion owners/reps/share holders etc, who post pics, reports are to an extent advertising/promoting. But some do it with more grace than others. This can also be extended to those who don't have their own stallion, but breed commercially....


Well-Known Member
30 December 2004
Over The Rainbow
Other breeders also advertise by the mere fact they post their foals on here. If I wanted a coloured foal I would possibly contact Volatis. If I was looking for a competition foal, Anastasia or Ken. Ashbank for a trakehner?

[/ QUOTE ]

I just KNEW that Paul McKenna book about subliminal messages would come in handy....LOL

Dozziesmummy.....I dont think anybody could argue your point at all on this one..


Well-Known Member
2 April 2006
You know what guys, I dont care how much you promote your boys & their offspring because it is an education for us all. It is a great way of seeing just what is out there & who producing what, without trawling through the internet. This is a breeding forum, so why on earth should we not see the results. Go for it intentionally or otherwise, most of you spend enough with H&H when they run their stud features anyway! Anatasia I love seeing your horses because the photos are just fab. Opie is another who shows fantastic photos of her horses. I also like to see the chestnut clones, though I would like to see them out doing a job (when they are older of course), not prancing around like prima ballerina's. Sorry Kate dont mean to offend, but I am a fan of the PBA/AA arab & I like them to prove they are better then the prancing animals we see in the show ring. So I hope no one stops posting about how well their lads & offspring are doing.


Well-Known Member
30 March 2007
Oxford and London
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Thank you SN - what a very kind thing to say!

I also entirely agree with DM - but I hope I am right about the 'tacit understanding' amongst us forum members that posting photos and news about our horses' achievements is OK?


Well-Known Member
30 March 2007
Oxford and London
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You know what guys, I dont care how much you promote your boys & their offspring because it is an education for us all. It is a great way of seeing just what is out there & who producing what, without trawling through the internet. This is a breeding forum, so why on earth should we not see the results. Go for it intentionally or otherwise, most of you spend enough with H&H when they run their stud features anyway! Anatasia I love seeing your horses because the photos are just fab. Opie is another who shows fantastic photos of her horses. I also like to see the chestnut clones, though I would like to see them out doing a job (when they are older of course), not prancing around like prima ballerina's. Sorry Kate dont mean to offend, but I am a fan of the PBA/AA arab & I like them to prove they are better then the prancing animals we see in the show ring. So I hope no one stops posting about how well their lads & offspring are doing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely no offence taken Magic.
And I promise (insofar as I can speak for their breeders and owners) that the prancing ballerina chestnut clones will be out doing a proper job as soon as they are old enough!
(for example zoeshiloh's PBA is winning Sport Horse and Hunter classes, so of course she will be the next Tamarillo...

I also love seeing everybody's photos of their horses (Anastasia's and Opie's pics are particularly awesome!), and hearing about HHO horses' achievements makes me very happy, so I hope everyone will continue to post all this!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Gonna stick my neck out here because I do see it as advertising. I'm not saying it is intentional but I do think it is advertising/promoting.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with you DM
. Often can't be helped but you are right it is advertising. Mind you, I think this is fairly recent phenomenon or perhaps it wasn't so blatant before? Ach, I don't care though so no big deal for me
. I wouldn't breed any WBs or Arabs or any European horses so I for one couldn't care less what photos are shown on here

Gosh, I've made more posts in here today than I have made in the past 6 months